All Stories
I Am A Money Magnet, Works!
WOW! It really does work! My finances were in a state, I had got into lots of debt, my landlord wanted me to pay him £800 (of which I didn’t have and had no means of finding!), I had no job, no income, and no hope. I can’t say enough how much I would recommend…
Read More →Post-its
I wanted to share a nice experiment I did with The Secret. I’m in my early 20s and am only now starting to really LOVE and know who I am. I used to have really low self-esteem growing up and never thought I was pretty. Anywhoo, I read a story on here about a woman…
Read More →A truly GOOD morning!! :)
I have known about The Secret for a long time, and I have attracted many things by the LOA, for instance college admission, a cup of coffee, and my mom’s lost purse. But we all have our ups and downs, and for the past month I was sort of gloomy. I felt like I knew…
Read More →It started working instantly!
In hindsight there have been several times that the book The Secret has tried to come into my life, but I never jumped at the opportunity. However, I wasn’t meant to read it before because it came to me at such a low point in my life that reading it then had the most impact….
Read More →Short story that just happened
I was reading the book, and decided to watch the movie. As I watched the movie, I started to put The Secret in place by simple things, such as wishing for a new cell phone, or finding new travelling bags (which I indeed need and want). Then a few people in the street made a…
Read More →If You Have Trouble With Friends
I have known about The Secret since I was in the 7th grade (I’m now a sophomore), and at that time I was having a lot of trouble with my friends, despite being very popular. You know the middle school social life drama when all your “friends” leave you and start bullying you and all?…
Read More →Transform yourself and others
After watching The Secret my thoughts were starting to transfer from negative to positive. I watched it often to keep me motivated, and now I have lost 20kg in less than three months and I feel amazing. I choose what I want to attract in my life, I go into situations where I really do…
Read More →Buddha brings The Secret to me
Three years back, it was my darkest and lowest moment in my life. I was so depressed that I even thought of suicide. I was in abusive circumstances, lack of love, stress over my pre-u studies and a lot more. Every day seemed to be a struggle and hardship. At that time, I used to…
Read More →Just a thought
I had a thought the other day I was thinking about how people worry about negative thoughts and controlling them and keeping positive thoughts. Then I saw the most beautiful and perfect lake. It is so clear, I can see all the way to the bottom of the lake, even in the middle. This perfect…
Read More →It’s all in the mind … :)
I am a girl who was a chronic negative thinker, I had reached a point in my life wherein I visited two doctors and both of them told me that I am suffering from depression. My health was deteriorating, I was doing a job as HR in a BPO, but I always dreaded night shifts….
Read More →The Secret And The Power
I stumbled across The Secret one Xmas eve when it made its debut on TV here in Australia, and I loved the concept of it. Since that night I have read it over and over and followed the guidance of The Secret principles, and now The Power, in order to better my life and to…
Read More →With Gratitude
I have lived a Secret life for a long time, I just didn’t know it. I thought that how I lived my life was due to my mom’s good values in raising me, and setting an example of how to be a good person, and it was, but after finding “The Secret” it became clearer…
Read More →A long time coming
All of my life I have been under someone’s thumb. I was a living Cinderella. I was living with my grandmother ever since I was 9 years old. She looked after me and for a long time, life was good. But things have changed. As I was getting older she became more controlling. For a…
Read More →Here are some examples of the LOA in movies
Baby Cakes – The character Grace (Rickie Lake) had to take a lot of what she wanted and turn it into action. She went after the man she wanted, Rob (Craig Sheffer). She filled herself up with love first, then she changed her lifestyle. She surrounded herself with items that would help bring love into…
Hi everyone, I am Amrit from India and I am very, very happy and would give the credit for my happiness to GOD and Rhonda. Thanks a lot Rhonda for THE SECRET and THE POWER. They have truly changed my life. Generally I was a very happy person, and so I always received lots of…
Read More →Chocolate Cake
FIRST, THANKS RHONDA AND HER SECRET TEAM for revealing The Secret. I had just made a vision board and the first picture on it was a small piece of chocolate cake which I got in just twenty-four hours. I am very happy and looking forward to other things on my vision board i.e. a striped…
Read More →Dreams do come true
Hey, I am just 18 and I am pursuing my engineering from the college of my dreams You know what, friends, I was studying in a college where I don’t know why but I was not feeling happy and I seriously wanted to change colleges. A year passed and I made good friends, but I…
Read More →What you Believe you Get
So it’s nearly the end of the year and the yearly exams come along. My tutor asked me to get a good mark for maths (she does maths tuition with me), like all tutors do. Thanks to her my average percentage is around 82%. “Yeah, I will,” I told her and myself. “Of course I…
Read More →“Real”
During the summer, I was going through rough times and was in search of some inspiration of any kind, and I had heard of the book “The Secret” previously, so I decided to buy it and read it. I had just finished reading the part in the book about choosing something small to manifest and…
Read More →Thank you Rhonda
For writing such an amazing book, and for having the strength and confidence to present this to the world. I always felt the law of attraction around me, I just didn’t know what it was. Now I know and now I can say, “I knew it!!” The Secret changed my life by giving me…
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