Below are all stories archived as Inner
Can this all be happening?
About four years ago I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and put on medication. I’ve been in hospital for depression and paranoia within that time. A friend gave me The Secret in January and within days, my life began to change dramatically. My doctor called me out of the blue to say that he needed…
Read More →if you seek you shall find
All my life I have been searching for the truth – that something greater than me. I have read many scriptures, and have always believed that every person, every bit of writing, and every piece of the world has a fragment of the truth. I believe that God is in everything and everybody. I have…
Read More →The Universe Read My Mind
I have always been the sort of girl that felt very backward when it came to relationships. I am definitely what you would call a very, very late bloomer. Dating was somewhat of an enigma to me. How did other girls do it? Have boyfriends and all that fun? In order to justify my lack…
Read More →It is possible to be happy again!
Well, to start with my husband is an alcoholic, and my faith was out the door so to speak. But my sister talked to me about the book some other friend had told her about, I was intrigued, looked it up on the internet, and bingo! I bought it. I was transformed almost immediately, from…
Read More →Think Young To Stay Completely Young
I have been using the Law of Attraction (LOA) even before I knew of The Secret. I must admit that I’m not an expert when it comes to attracting good things in life, especially when it comes to my career. Another thing is, honestly, it’s really quite difficult to instantly transform yourself from feeling completely…
Read More →Life Change
When I was young I was given glasses to wear, which I never used to wear, and sometimes they would break. I then got into self-improvement and eyesight restoring books. After 18 I only wore glasses to watch cinema or TV, after 24 I stopped wearing glasses completely and started trusting myself more. I would…
Read More →Living The Secret Without Knowing It
It is really difficult to put into words what I thought about The Secret when I first watched the broadcast on the internet. First of all, I should say this: I am a very practical person and very skeptical also… it is somewhat difficult to convince me of something unless you really have strong evidence…
Read More →A Happy Heart
A co-worker and I were working on a project. We were chatting and she wanted to know if I had ever heard about the law of attraction. I said I had not. She said she would bring the movie The Secret in the next day for me to watch over the weekend. I watched it,…
Read More →The Secret…a true Masterpiece to own.
Watching The Secret was such an eye opener for me, and it did change my life for the better. Since I’ve seen the DVD, I’m trying to apply every day what I’ve learned from it. The first time I applied The Secret, I was amazed to see it worked. I wish everybody could be aware…
Read More →The Small Things
First of all, this movie is the single most amazing movie that’s entered my life. Before Christmas I had wanted to see it, and I never took the time to go buy it. But what I had found out that the movie expressed – on how to live your life to create a more prosperous…
My story started 7 years ago when I applied for a Green Card to live in the US permanently. My application has been pending, and every time I made an inquiry I was told it’s still pending. For seven years I could not leave the country to see my family back home. I was seriously…
Read More →Discovering the Truth Within Myself
My Brother was given ‘The Secret’ in book form by his Oncologist after being diagnosed with Lymphoma before Thanksgiving. He in turn gave me a copy of ‘The Secret’ following my surgery. Before Christmas a routine Colonoscopy had found Cancer cells within a polyp. I knew at that time that I had let the cancer…
Read More →Checks in the mail
January 1, 2007 began as any other year, wishful hopes for a peaceful, financial worry-free year. But 2007 began to spiral out of control almost immediately with unexpected bills, family conflict and a wedding to plan for my daughter. Her father and I have been divorced for 12 years, and planning the wedding with him…
Read More →The Secret of my success
I learned about The Secret after watching Oprah. I have always been searching for something more, and had began to give up on finding it. Over the years, I have read many books looking for the truth or anything close, but always ended up disappointed with the results. When I discovered The Secret I finally…
Read More →The Good, The Great and The Grateful
In October, I was diagnosed with Hep B, a rather nasty virus that causes many deaths around the world. I found out that the liver is one of the body’s organs that cannot self-heal very well. Once hardening begins then the story is written, as I have been informed. I had not heard of The…
Read More →A new morning
I found The Secret through a fellow rehabber some months ago, bought the book, read it twice, decided to put it to work in my life, but found it hard to think positive with what was going on in my life. Things had been a nightmare for over a year with getting a loan to…
Read More →Galaxy Dreaming
I have always felt drawn to space & the galaxies & the universe. Whilst others may find the hugeness of it all makes them feel small & insignificant, it makes me feel like I’m so carefully made and loved because amongst it all I’m here & I exist. ‘The Secret to You’ section of the…
Read More →It lives inside of you!!!!
I always believed in myself and believed that once I put my mind to something I will get it. I was living the Secret and didn’t even know it. As the years went by I started having a lot of doubt and saying ‘what if’?? What if things go wrong. And I stopped applying the…
Read More →Strangers are not as bad as one thinks
I first learned of The Secret last year, and anyone who knew who I was will know I WAS pessimistic and skeptical on anything that seemed too good to be true. During a part in The Secret, Bob Doyle says that for those who have a hard time believing in The Secret to start off…
Read More →Finding peace through practice
Through many hours of Zazen (objectless meditation) I have sat both in my local dojo and on retreats. One of the principle teachings in Zen is to let go of the the thinking mind, or the ego as it is often referred to. When I first came into contact with The Secret it was in…
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