Below are all stories archived as Health
The Secret and Mental Illness
I have been struggling with mental illness for about 50 years. I knew somehow that I could overcome it. I had been in therapy at various times. It help some, but not quite enough. I became obsessed at trying to cure myself. I studied everything I could from paleo anthropology, metaphysics, theology, and so on….
My life has always been about health. For nearly forty years, I have practiced deep meditation, exercised, eaten the “right” foods, and gotten eight hours of sleep. Therefore, it was quite a shock for me and my doctor when I was diagnosed with breast cancer one week before my sixtieth birthday. For the next several…
Read More →Healthy Baby Girl
This is a special story for me because of the strength that it took for me to do what I felt was right, despite all statistics, beliefs, and caring advice from trusted people all around. I am a woman with a negative blood type. For most people, this doesn’t mean much. For medical professionals, and…
Read More →A blessed child
I was born in the year of 1959 on November 22 in Los Angeles California. At the time after my birth I was born with brain damage of both sides of the lobes, and I was also blessed as a miracle child… for I was born dead on the birthing table. Then after ten minutes…
Read More →Achieving what I always wanted
I had a skin discoloration from sweating (tinea versicolor), acne, scars, and dry skin, and I had a few doctors look at it treat it with no success. Then I had an appointment with the dermatologist. I missed the first one and I made a new appointment with another dermatologist. I had known about the…
Read More →Science and Religion
Having health is the most precious thing anyone could ask for. I’ve always believed that things happened for a reason, and for the best. Looking for reasons to why it happens and trying to figure out the logic of it all is the way of my discovery to ‘The Secret’. I am a Muslim and…
Read More →Healing through the power of intention
I recently moved back to Las Vegas after a year in Colorado, and now have a motorcycle as my only means of transportation. While riding into work one night at at 12:30 in the morning, I was involved in a hit and run accident that left me laying in the middle of the road with…
Read More →Conquered Chronic Bronchitis
Ever since I was a child I always believed there must be something more to our lives than what I was experiencing. I always believed in a higher power. Throughout life I experienced small things that seemed to be proof of that belief, but not enough to empower me. I have been through many personal…
Read More →Gain No Weight – Lose Instead!!!
I have been very depressed about my weight, and honestly speaking, before I purchased The Secret for myself in December 2007, I had no love for myself. Things have changed. I now look in the mirror and I feel great. Rhonda, I just wanted to bring to your attention one of the best moments for…
Read More →The Test
This is how I found The Secret… I was in a relationship that I really didn’t want to be in. He lived in New Jersey, so I would get lonely in New York. I was bored one night and decided to go to a night club. I got drunk to the point that I blacked…
Read More →My newborn is healed
My son was born with a rather severe case of jaundice. Since this is very common among newborns, we decided to not worry about it and left the hospital with a ultraviolet light bed and some instructions. We had arranged for a nurse to come to the house and take his levels. Without explanation his…
Read More →My “Cluster” of Nighmares cured
All of my life since I can remember, I have been plagued with these horrible Cluster Headaches. Now I know that when you hear ‘headache’ you are probably sitting there and saying, oh great, a Migrane story. But let me tell you this, I was diagnosed with cluster headaches when I was around 18 years…
Read More →God still heals
Years ago my health was in question from a rare lung disease. I had been through many procedures and operations before an accurate diagnoses was found. Promptly after, I was placed on the lung transplant list. I was on the list for 6 months when I asked for a break from the many appointments –…
Read More →Giving my wife back her life
In Oct of 2007 I had just started reading The Secret. For years I have read motivational books like Think and Grow Rich, Anthony Robbins, W. Clement Stone and others. So the concepts of The Secret wasn’t something totally new to me, but I guess I was never ready to apply the principles. My wife…
Read More →Knock Knock – Who’s There? – The Universe
Twenty-one months ago, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. When I first suspected something was wrong, I went to see a urologist who said there was only a 5% chance that I would have a tumor and that it would be malignant. But for two years previous to this, I was sure that my life…
Read More →The ideal image
I was always a very active girl. I play a lot of sports like lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, and ice hockey. However, I was always on the chubbier side. I wasn’t big or anything, but I wasn’t thin either. I read The Secret and decided that I wanted to become my ideal weight. So I…
Read More →Success in the face of tragedy
I have always been a believer in the power of the mind. I have read hundreds of books on self improvement, positive thinking, and the law of attraction. I suppose when the student is ready the teacher will appear. In September 2006 I heard from several people that I needed to watch The Secret. Finally…
Read More →Catastrophe Was Really A Gift
I was having increasing difficulty working. Pain seared down my arm, burned my forearm, and numbed my hand. My neck and shoulders tightened into knots that no masseuse could loosen. Finally, last Fall, I just told my supervisors that I could not work until the pain was resolved. I started with physical therapy, massages, chiropractic…
Read More →My wonderful changes so far….
I wanted to share with you the wonderful feeling that The Secret has brought into my life. I am experiencing so many positive changes! I visualised a new car, and being slimmer, fit, and healthy to start with. I have lost almost 28lb since January. I have dieted, but don’t know where my determination has…
Read More →A new life for me
OK, so here goes. The Secret has changed my life for the better in so many ways. It all began when my mom wanted to get some pain medication for her sore tooth, and she set out to Zellers to find some (she wanted to shop a bit too). Normally, I’d tell her to have…
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