Below are all stories archived as Health
Amazing Weightloss
I’ve been devoted to The Secret all my life, I just had a different name for it when I was a child. I’ve never really learned how to use it until this very week, when I read a story on the website, about a woman who visualized herself eating whatever she wanted and still dropping…
Read More →When You Believe…
About a year ago, I was completely unsatisfied with my life. I was bullied by a girl at my school, I had a type of kyphosis and I felt terrible about myself, my “friends”, family, health and circumstances. And at that time, a love-life was something I thought impossible for myself. I can’t quite remember…
Read More →The Sea Shells
Greetings! I have manifested the following without any apparent resources whatsoever other than my ability to apply The Secret: ~ Coffee ~ Perfect car parking spaces ~ The perfect house ~ The perfect job ~ A remission from disease long enough to get insurance to cover the surgery and time off of work needed ~…
Read More →My health
I had a panic attack about a year ago, which took about 2 weeks to go away. Shortly after I got through the rough weeks I purchased and read The Secret and watched the video. I decided to write in my journal about an object that I would find; what it would look like, and…
Read More →What Goes Down Must Come Up!
One of my greatest if not my greatest blessing is my family. I come from a terrific home where respect, love, and honesty rule our lives, and to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way. Yet there have been certain things that I have faced in my tender life that my family couldn’t…
Read More →Eye spy with my little eye
A few years ago, I started to experience eye problems. I had cataract surgery and several surgeries to repair detached and torn retinas in both eyes. A colleague introduced me to The Secret. Every day, I wrote in my Gratitude Book, “Thank you for my perfect eyes.” I wrote it over and over again. On…
Read More →Confirmation of Personal Power to Manifest
I have been around for 60 years, and this year I begin again on my new 1st birthday. Over the years I have embraced many programs, which have proven to me that I have the power to heal others and myself, and to change my life on a daily basis. I have used crystals and…
Read More →My new life
I read The Secret a few days ago. Even though I’ve been swamped with work and life in general I couldn’t put it down, and finished it in one evening. Two days later, after 10 months of sleepless nights, my baby slept through the night for the FIRST time! Because I started to believe that…
Read More →Listen to music so you can visualize better
What I’m gonna say to you all is not a story, but a way to visualize what you desire. Every night before going to bed take your mp3 player, phone, ipod, or whatever music player you have and play a song that you like, then go to bed and close your eyes and listen to…
Read More →Follow your Bliss!
On my 17th birthday 1999, I manifested a sharp pain in my neck so strong that I had to hold my neck when I walked. One year later, the pain spread throughout my body and I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Doctors where at a loss for words at the severity of the disease. But…
Read More →Braces… tehe ::D
My story is about my braces. Around four or five months ago, I got my braces. The first week was the hardest (of course) but eventually I just decided to ignore them. I had totally forgot about them, and in fact I would always daydream about kissing my boyfriend in ninth grade without my braces….
Read More →A Home
My parents, Filipino immigrants, have lived The Secret all their lives. They’re eternal optimists who have mastered the art of asking, believing and receiving. I grew up with this method of thinking. I do worry, but at the end of the day, I know things will always work out the way I want them to….
Read More →There is nothing known as disease!
Two years back, I was told that I had a chronic disease called skin eczima and it had gone worst since I hadn’t taken proper care of it. I started homeopathic medicines and soon everyone around me who’d seen my disease started asking me about it and started feeling sorry for me, which is something…
Read More →Tata glasses!
So, I’ve been meaning to try the Secret out on some more serious stuff. I had manifested goals in hockey; I used to think I was just an average player, but now I think, Hey, I’m awesome, I’m gonna get a goal,’ and I do. I’m also finding things that I’ve lost (seriously it’s freaky…
Read More →Perfection
All my life I have had bad experiences whenever I had blood drawn. I am a Type II diabetic. I need to have blood tests on a regular basis. I was always told that I have deep veins. The medical technicians usually spend several minutes going from one of my arms to the next to…
Read More →Grateful
I am most grateful to those involved in getting The Secret movie and CD series to the public. My wife and I watched this movie several years ago, and we both realized in amazement that these were beliefs/practices we have always known and subconsciously yearned to naturally use all our lives. Soon thereafter, the movie…
Read More →Believe it… it’s true!
I bought The Secret book at an airport after hearing in the background the Oprah show that discussed The Secret. I never thought about it really, but I saw it at the airport and the cover looked intriguing. So I read it on the way home from my vacation. When I reached the airport I…
Read More →My greatest wish was granted!
I’ve spent my entire life thinking that if things were going well, something bad was due to happen to ruin everything. And unfortunately I was always right. I now know that I had summoned those bad things with my negative thoughts. I had a beautiful 5 year old son, and was anxious to give him…
Read More →It really does work…
A few months back my mum was told that her arteries have been blocked up to 60%. The doctors wanted to do another diagnosis before they did a bypass surgery. I was praying every day for a miracle, thought & imagined constantly my mum to be a very healthy person, spent time with her laughing…
Read More →It Is up To your Feeling
3 years ago, my grade was extremely disappointing. I’ve never gotten below 3.00 (B) in my life. I got D in my economy class. Ironically, I was a tutor for my friend who got B+. And what made me depressed the most was my friends’ comment about how easy that term was. They kept telling…
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