Below are all stories archived as Awareness
The Awakening.
I used to think of myself as just a normal lad. I grew up doing normal things like playing cricket. I struggled in school with my reading and spelling but I always gave it my 110%. So back in May 2021, I was a passenger on a motorbike that got into an accident that nearly…
Read More →Faith Is The Key.
I came to know about The Secret series when the Covid 19 pandemic started and we were all in lockdown. I started with The Magic book then I proceeded with the other books, The Secret, The Power, Hero, and The Greatest Secret. Besides these five books in the series, another book that helped me a…
Read More →Two Goldfinches.
I have always unknowingly applied the law of attraction all of my life. After overcoming many challenges in life I got through most of them by trusting God and having faith, belief, and trust in the Universe. I was made aware of The Secret by friends and enjoyed reading it. I practice gratitude every morning…
Read More →Scored A Great GPA In Final Exams.
I am a university student and last semester was tough so I decided to use the law of attraction and Madam Rhonda’s guides of being grateful and continuous affirmations. I desired a GPA of 4.4. Also, I had a very hard subject that everyone was worried about but I set a B plus+ for my…
Read More →Little Foodie Signs Of Co-Creation.
It started with the extra chicken. It was just a little thing but after two weeks of illness and time to really stop and retune, it mattered. We sat in the drive through queue for 25 minutes, browsing the online menu, and decided to get a 4 piece chicken meal, one for each of us….
Read More →How The Secret Saved My Broken Relationship.
I want to share the important story of my life that brought me into harmony with the law of attraction. The law of attraction has blessed me with many joys that I could never have imagined. Incompleteness and disappointment in my life started in 2011. My heart constantly ached when it came to love. By…
Read More →I Am The Awareness.
Two days ago in the evening, me and my sibling got into a huge fight. Although it may have seemed like a usual sibling fight, in these hard times even the slightest and trivial argument can become worse, and it was exactly like that. Luckily, almost an hour before the argument, I had completed another…
Read More →Blind Faith.
I always knew I was here for a reason. I never doubted that for one second. I have been through so many struggles but I am still here and now I am 35. Even with everything that I have been through, I never lost faith. I know that I am here for a reason. Blind…
Read More →Enlightenment.
I am a 44 year old Mozambican and I have been living in South Africa for 12 years. I battled my entire adult life with bipolar disorder and I was never comfortable in my own skin. The feeling of not trusting my instincts always baffled me. I was always either living in the past or…
Read More →I Manifested NEET-UG Marks And Dream College!
I am feeling really happy and grateful for my story because this is the story that I and the Universe have created together. I manifested my NEET-UG marks and my dream college! The NEET-UG is the medical entrance examination for getting admission into Undergraduate courses such as MBBS, BDS, etc. So I came across The…
Read More →I Had A Lot Of Success.
My life has always been complicated. The film, The Secret, has allowed me to learn of and understand the law of attraction, which was something that I had never heard of before. There are two books that have really radically changed my life. The first book is The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne and the…
Read More →Major Mental Shift.
Hey guys, my name is Karan and I first encountered Rhonda Byrne’s secret to life through the most amazing book ever, The Secret. Before I used to go to bed going over my worries and small things that I did not have any control of. But now, after knowing The Secret, I can be as…
Read More →Overcoming To Becoming.
Growing up, I had always been told that girls only take the money from their parents but never look back to taking care of them. I always wondered if it was true. I got married at the very early age of 22. I had always been a quiet girl, but with a loving heart and…
Read More →Number 16.
So I am relatively new to the law of attraction. I had recently read The Magic and my outlook on life and on gratitude has changed drastically for good. I have also gotten The Secret Super App as well as The Secret To Money App. I saw someone share a story about numbers and playing…
Read More →My Cat Was Where I Visualized Him.
In July 2021 I was hit with the shocking news that my husband was leaving me after he had an affair. My life had seemed to spiral in a downward direction faster than I was able to pick myself up. My son was upset, angry, and hurt. I was still trying to gather my emotions…
Read More →Manifested A Message Within Moments!
I was just reading the brand new book from The Secret called “The Secret to Love, Health and Money” and I wanted to test myself to see if I properly understood how to manifest something. I asked the Universe for a message from a particular person that I rarely hear from! I almost never receive…
Read More →Push Yourself A Little.
And it proves itself again! I am a firm believer in everything taught by The Secret. I have posted my stories several times, especially in the beginning years since The Secret was first introduced to me in 2010. This is my post after more than 7 years. Things turned around after a few years of…
Read More →My Spiritual And Physical Experience.
At the time when I started reading The Secret and completed it, I actually did not know what to do. The more I read, the more I understood. After completing the book, I came accross this website where I found The Secret Super App. It has been a few days since I started practicing all…
Read More →From Negativity To Bliss.
I was suffering on a daily basis from more anxiety, stress, fear, lack of confidence, and negativity than I can ever describe. My mind was stressing me out and giving me mental hell. I went on suffering for a long time. Then I got to know a girl but I became attached to her. I…
Read More →Life Is Changing!
Hi, I am Aiman, I have seen massive failures in my life at every stage, including in my academics, my health, and my finances. I was a burden to my family with no job, and a broken relationship, as well as needing medication for depression. Feeling I was a complete failure, my faith in life…
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