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Work and Life Success
Submitted by: Karen
TexasReal Estate Agent for 6 years. Human Resources 25 years 1 Husband of 30 years and 2 wonderful children
About 3 years ago I decided to leave my job as a Sales Manager and go out on my own. I was afraid as I had tried it once before and I had done ok but not as well as I wanted to.
I was talking to an old friend one day and she told me about the Secret. I was intrigued and searched for the Secret online. I watched the movie and read the book. Every time I hear or watch I get a chill down my spine. So I decided to change my life and live my life using the tools I learned.
Today I am a very successful Realtor. I am successful because I believe in myself. I am a Money Magnet and I do what’s right and fair and the money just keeps coming. Every time I begin to have doubts I go in and watch the video clips in the visual tools and almost like magic more work comes to me.
My goal was to have my own company, which I do now and to make a specific amount of money this year, and as of now I am on track to make that amount (I should have asked for more but my goal is to double that amount next year).
I share with my friends and family whenever they will listen to me. My daughter even began using the visual collage to make a want list but because she began receiving them so quickly instead of pictures she now has a running list she just adds too. Surprisingly her list of completes is much longer than her list of wants.
I drive a great deal by myself and use that time to tell the universe how grateful I am for everything I have.
Thank you Rhonda for sharing!