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When I heard about The Secret
Submitted by: Tenasha Battle
ST.Louis,MoI'm a 23 year old and have 3 kids, and I live by myself.
I was going to a training class and the teacher had put on a video about The Secret, but it was just parts of The Secret cause we did not have time to see the whole video. As I was watching the video I was inspired by the stories the people talking about. So I try my best to find the book or video, I ask the teacher to give me a copy of the video but it always slips his mind, so I forgot about it. And then 2 weeks late I went over to my aunt’s house. We were leaving to go swimming – she was going to just catch some sun and read a book while I was going to swim. And there it was, the book. I said to her, that’s the book that I was trying to find. We leave and she want straight to the store and bought me the same book – I was amazed! Then I sat down and read the whole book in a day and the half, and found out that I had that book on my mind and that I knew that I was going to get it and there it was.
After a while I started using The Secret. I wrote down my goals in life and keep a positive mind. Nothing happened going on a month, and then I had a second thought and threw it in the trash. But after I throw it away everything starts to change – I had found a new job, I was paying my bills on time, and I had completed my training class. After I threw it away everything changed, cause at first I was always angry and mad, I thought I can’t do nothing because I have not had a job in 4 years. But when The Secret came in my life I change a lot of things and it was wonderful.