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Whatever doesn’t kill us…
Submitted by: Cory K.
Phoenix, AZRecently "between jobs" and now have more money than I've ever had, BEFORE starting my great, new job.
I started a company roughly two years ago. My partner and I thought that we were going to be making a huge difference for businesses, and making lots of money in the process. As it turns out, that wasn’t the case. I made less the last two years than I did when I got out of college 11 years ago.
I finally rented The Secret DVD and bought the book about a year ago. Watched the DVD, loved it. Read the book, loved it. But I didn’t REALLY put either into action until recently.
When we finally closed down our company, I knew that something had to change. I was late on bills, my credit card companies were calling me daily, etc. I used the Secret to focus on attracting an abundance of money to me. My daily mantra has become “Money comes to me frequently, easily, and abundantly, because I DESERVE IT!”. This has really begun to pay off. I actually have more money to my name now then I did when I was employed. Money-making opportunities are continually presenting themselves to me. There have been minor disappointments, but whenever I allow myself to get down, I repeat my mantra over and over again and new ideas to attract wealth come to me.
In the last two months, I’ve paid off 3 of my credit cards, and I’m very, very close to having all of my credit paid up forever. Also, I am starting a new job in a week that will be very lucrative for me.
Out of disbelief comes proof that THIS WORKS!