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What you imagine is what you get
Submitted by: Ro Jo
Bangalore, IndiaI'm an HR professional. I got married recently to a software professional.
I met my husband about a year ago, through the family, and when we met each other almost instantly we knew we were made for each other.
We got engaged in a months’ time and after 3 months we got married 🙂 Life became so beautiful – it was never as beautiful before.
We lived with his family (this is a common practice in India). His family was very conservative and very controlling, and that was the beginning of my misery. I had lost all the freedom I had, and our happy married life lost all the happiness. We loved each other a lot, but the tension was too much to handle.
My husband had a copy of The Secret with him. One evening I happened to watch the movie. That day was the day of change. I decided to visualize us in a new house.
I tried speaking to my husband about moving out, but he was completely against it and told me it’s not possible. There was no way his parents would let us move out either – they are very possessive about him. I didn’t lose hope. I only told myself that all who have achieved their dreams didn’t know how they would get there, but they knew they would get there. So I continued my imagination/visualization.
My first step towards this was to leave early from office and look for a house to rent. I knew that was my first step to tell the universe what I wanted. At the same time I started visualizing us in a house all independent and happy. I kept repeating this exercise again and again. Initially it was difficult, but then I began enjoying the feeling, I started feeling happy. The happiness of having our freedom.
One day we had some disagreement with my in-laws. I thought that this was the end of all my happiness, but there was some hope still left and I continued visualizing.
To my surprise, one day my mother in law came up to me and told me that they wanted us to move out and stay separately and visit them once in a while.
This was almost impossible, but it had happened 🙂 The Secret had acted in my life in a miraculous way. What I imagined and dreamt about had just manifested in my life.
Something to ponder about: I didn’t think of ways to handle it, I only imagined the end result and it came to me in just the perfect way possible. We are very happy and enjoying our life. In fact my relationship with my in-laws has improved a lot.
Thank you Rhonda for this wonderful gift to mankind. I know all my dreams will come true.