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We’re Engaged!
Submitted by: Camille A.
OhioI’m a 30 year old Real Estate Agent. My fiancé and I own our second home together and have a wonderful rescue dog.
My now fiancé and I have been together for 5 years. We have owned two homes together and he knows I am ready for kids but that I wanted to be married first. I was coming up on my 30th birthday and decided a few months ago to read this book, The Secret. I keep hearing about manifestations and the law of attraction. It was the best decision ever!
For months I thought daily about being engaged, what it felt like, and I put it out into the Universe. Not only did I think about being engaged but I thought about getting engaged on my 30th birthday. I believe the Universe and law of attraction made this happen.
My fiancé had no idea I was thinking these thoughts. He knew I wanted to get married but had no clue that this was what I was working to manifest. The ring was supposed to come in a few weeks later but it ended up coming on the day of my birthday. He picked it up that morning and proposed to me that night. I feel the shipping date was changed based on what I had asked the Universe for.
It can really happen! Think about it daily! Feel it! Put it out there and it can happen! Thank you for The Secret! Thank you, thank you, thank you!