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Together again and forever
Submitted by: Anna
AthensThank you so much, Rhonda and all the team for sharing this Secret with us.. God bless you, may always your mind and feelings be in harmony with what you want! My name is Anna and I am 25 years old and am so happy to know how to create my life!!
Hello everyone THANK YOU so much for this great Secret, it changed my life for the best!!
One year ago I met the man of my dreams Alexander. He had shown me the DVD of The Secret two months after. Although I loved it I made some mistakes, I was nagging all the time for not having enough, I didn’t like my job and sometimes felt miserable. He was trying to help me but I had my eyes closed and I didn’t listen.
So what did i attract?? Something horrible.
We were apart and I was in pieces. Then one day I bought my own copy of The Secret DVD and then the book and start reading and watching every day!!
I realised that he was not to blame, that it was me who attracted what had happend. It was a little hard but then I started to feel, to visualize every day that we are together and happy, in love for ever. I start really loving and appreciating myself!!
I went for vacation to my parents house and I found myself. I read a lot and finally understood how the Universe works. I knew my boyfriend Alexander and I belong together. I was talking constantly about The Secret to everyone, introducing them to It. Everyone deserves to know how to manifest their dreams, and when you have strong beliefs it will happen! The Universe knows the best way and time. So everyone, TRUST THE UNIVERSE!
Almost a month later he texted me, he even emailed me asking when was I going back that I am the woman of his life! I was so so so happy I was crying of happiness thanking the Universe and The Secret team every second!
I took the plane to Greece, full of joy and happiness and when I arrived there he was, the man of my life waiting for me. We run towards each other laughing! He hugged me so strong, he showed me how much he loves me, he was even shouting ”My woman came back to me, this is my wife”!!
Everyone was watching us, can you imagine how happy we are?
Now we are together deeply in love, living every day happily, excited and living by the Law Of Attraction.
We are so happy and healthy, full of power and energy!!! I am so so grateful, so happy THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Follow your heart, trust the UNIVERSE, I wish to everyone joy, happiness, love and a great life! Thank you.