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Thinking and getting
Submitted by: Melissa M.
Las Vegas, NVI'm 25 and feel so blessed to have discovered the magic of The Secret
I found out about The Secret about a year ago. I was in the library and in the inspirational section. A man I didn’t even know came over and told me if I liked the book that was in my hands, I should check out The Secret. So, I bought the movie.
I cried, because I felt I finally had an answer to why things happen the way they do. Here’s a few examples of The Secret in action:
My boyfriend and I would fight over the littlest things all the time. I couldn’t figure out why. I started visualizing us happy and laughing together. Thinking about how great it feels to spend loving, fun time with him. The next day our relationship was changed. To this day we are still laughing and playing with each other, and I know it’s due to The Secret.
Another story: Things come to me so fast now after I think about them it is amazing. For instance, whenever I want a parking spot up front I get it. WHENEVER!! If I read or think about something significant, I’ll see something similar or same later that day! It may be 2 hours or 5 minutes, but if I put feeling into something particular it arrives!
I’ve attracted a beautiful home, loving boyfriend and animals, and as of now I’m 5 weeks pregnant. I know I attracted that too!
Sincerely, Melissa