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The Universe Delivered It All Right To Me!
Submitted by: Rese
AustraliaJoyous liver of a wonderful life!
Even though this happened a few years ago, I know how much focusing on all the things that are going right helps to keep you in receiving mode. So I wanted to share it with you all. I send it out with much love and blessings. I hope it helps you to focus on your stories, where it all went right and everything turned out well. Thank you to The Secret.
My fiancé and I had returned from a holiday in Italy and we had such a magical time that we decided we wanted to get married there. We live in Australia so we started talking to our friends and family about having a wedding in Italy. Practically everyone was excited about it from day 1 and they all started planning their trips and saving their holiday money. We hired a wedding planner in Italy and locked in a venue for the ceremony and a date.
We hired a villa for accommodating us and some other guests. We were hoping to have the wedding reception there but as the months went by, the owner of the villa never responded to us to approve it. We assumed it was all OK as they had taken our deposit for the villa when we asked them about the reception.
A month out from the wedding they got back to us to say we could not have the reception there. We got on the phone to our wedding planner and tried to come up with another solution. We had 50 people flying in from all over the world so we wanted it to be special but most places were already booked out or they couldn’t cater for all of us. It started to get quite stressful and we couldn’t come up with a solution that suited us.
One night we were on the phone to our wedding planner and she suggested we try to book the same place we were having the ceremony. She quickly hung up and called the town mayor and found out that the venue was available for the same evening! This was amazing as it was right in the middle of the wedding season in this part of Italy and the venue was very popular. She rang us back to confirm and within ten minutes we had it all locked in. We managed to secure the most beautiful venue for our ceremony and reception for the whole evening and we even got the town mayor to marry us. We were also given a free night in the villa we had booked for our stay because the owner felt bad that he didn’t allow our wedding reception there. I am still in awe about how quickly that all worked out for us. It was such a truly special wedding too!
Also, on our honeymoon, we went to the French Riviera. We decided to book a cheaper hotel in Italy but go to one of the beach clubs on the Riviera for the day. As we were laying on the beach, with a glass of Rose in our hands, someone from Expedia called. They said that the Italian hotel we had booked was incorrectly sold to us as they were at full capacity. He asked where we were at that moment and asked us where we wanted to stay. There happened to be a hotel up the road from where we were that had a room open. It was one we had looked at but chosen not to book because it was so expensive. He said Expedia would book it for us and, because my husband was a gold member, Expedia would pay for it! We therefore got two nights on the French Riviera for free!
So many other amazing things happened on our wedding holiday. The weather was amazing, the places we visited were phenomenal, and my husband had the most prosperous month of sales in his business. And all we did was commit to having a great time.
Whenever I focus on this story, I just know how loving and wonderful the Universe is. All we need to do is focus on what is going well, and everything we are wanting is given to us.
I hope that this story helps everyone to focus on the wonderful stories where things worked out well, to remind themselves how truly blessed we are. Thank you!