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The Universe At Work.
Submitted by: Novi
South AfricaBeautiful soul.
I’m so very thankful for The Secret because it changed my thinking pattern. I am so careful about what I think because now I know my thoughts are like seeds that will produce fruits. On the second day after I started reading The Secret I decided to test it with something small. I thought about seeing a ladybug. I imagined it on my head and guess what?
An hour after that thought I really saw a ladybug on a plant outside. I was so excited, I could not believe it. I just knew that it really was the Universe at work. I was so excited about the ladybug and when I told my mom about it, shortly after sharing my story with her I saw another ladybug in my car while I was driving! I was totally in awe and I just knew that I was on the right path.
I’m am expectant to receive more miracles in my life. I know who I am, I am the master of my destiny. I am the master and creator of my thoughts and I can literally have anything I want!
Thank God and the Universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you!