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The Secret works
Submitted by: Taylor Frances
San Diego, CAForty something year old women loving the life I'm building with The Secret.
I found The Secret a few years ago but thought it was hokey. I came across it again five months ago. I have attracted a bedroom set for me and my daughter, cash, and a trip for my two sons to a foreign country with all expenses paid; the trip was one I wanted to go on for a long time. Every time I doubted, I made myself believe.
I have attracted two laptops, three new cameras, clothes, and shopping trips for me and my sons.
The Secret works in every area of your life – I have been losing weight, I’m meeting men to date, I have changed my thinking, I expect good things, and they come. I listen daily on my iPod, I listen at work, in the car, and while going to sleep. I am so excited that The Secret is part of my everyday life.
I was broke, negative, fearful for my job, I wanted to vacation with my sons, but I had no money, none, and it happened! The trip with all I needed – airfare, shopping, the hotel. It was everything I had written down that I wanted. I even got two coach purses I had wanted.
All I have wanted has come to me: more self confidence, money, time with family, compliments, dates, gifts, better relationships with co-workers.
I read the letters here daily. I just ask the universe for what I want, and believe I will receive it.
I’m building a whole new life using The Secret. It is real. I have seen it work fast, and easy. I love The Secret.