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The Secret Had Been Working My Entire Life.
Submitted by: Chelsea
Shrewsbury, MAI am the greatest.
First, I’d like to say how grateful I am to have access to such powerful and inspiring information. I have used The Secret all my life to transform negative situations into positive ones. Here’s a positive transformation I made in just one year.
Last year, I was fired from my stressful, hectic, busy sales job and forced to take time off. At first, I didn’t understand why but it ended up being one of the most relaxing times in my life. I had never been without a job or school or something going on, and I was honestly on the verge of being a workaholic.
After my long unemployed break, I was lost. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. Quite honestly, I was not as confident as I once was. And I couldn’t figure out why. I had been using The Secret unknowingly since I was 7. I used it to look the way I wanted to look, to get the boyfriend I wanted, the house I wanted, to be popular, to do anything really and my life was magical because of it. I had transformed my life into a “perfect life” But suddenly, I was lost. I didn’t know what to do after my time off but I knew that I was good at making money. I knew I needed to make money to live so I started to bartend. But about 6 months I became unhappy. I couldn’t pinpoint where the feeling was coming from so I thought it was my work environment and I left. No fear, no second-guessing, I knew I was unhappy.
I got another job in a small restaurant and it was awful! Now I was really not happy. So again, I took another leap of faith. I left that restaurant and went on to find the best restaurant working environment I had ever worked in my whole life! I thought maybe this is all I needed but a few weeks later, again, I found myself unhappy. It was in that moment that I realized it wasn’t the restaurant. It was me.
I was selling myself short from the very beginning! I had been doing it since I left college. I had dreams of being an Advertising Executive in the big city but instead found myself outside a smaller city working a sales job. And I accepted it. I was taking the easy way out. My own doing.
Now, standing at a crossroads, I used this fire to fuel my passions. I said, no longer will I undervalue myself and have a job just for money. I can have it all and I will have it all.
The very next day I made a list of jobs that I would love to do. I made a list of my passions and I only searched for those jobs that included my passions. I thought only thoughts of greatness and searched in my area. I went on my first interview for an assistant event planner paying $15 an hour. I didn’t get the job. I was devastated but a small voice told me I was still selling myself short. I went on my second and final interview a few days later and I got a job as an Advertising Manager. My dream job, dream salary, dream location, dream hours and dream bosses!!
I can’t explain what it felt like to get that phone call. To this day, I bow to the Universe in gratitude because not only did the Universe redirect me to something greater; but my faith in the Universe and law of attraction helped me see my true and only potential. Greatness. I drive by that awful restaurant I used to work at and to this day, I feel so grateful that it was so awful because otherwise, I might not have realized my full potential. I now know in my heart that it’s up to me to make my dreams a reality.
I hope this story inspires someone to change their life and emit their greatness into the world.