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Submitted by: Felix Busuttil
MaltaDancer / Choreographer / Director - Born In Victoria, Gozo - studied dance and theatre in London - opened my own business (dance school) in both Malta and Gozo - two beautiful islands in the Mediterranean. Is Director and Founder of the YADA Dance Company, presently Malta's top dance company. Felix is also a TV personality widely known across the Maltese Islands.
The Secret has really changed my life! I couldn’t possibly not write anything about this magnificent book as it certainly transformed the way I look at life and the beautiful things, including money and peace of mind, that have come into my life through the action I took on reading about the book’s philosophy.
My company produces performances almost yearly – one year one of the performances, although artistically successful, flopped miserably in the financial sector. To cap it all, I was conned by a construction / conversion company who literally robbed me of my money – things were not looking good as my health was also at risk, with all the problems. To add insult to injury, I was duly investigated by the tax department and found that my accountants got it all wrong. The final straw came last February when another production flopped miserably in the box office. Again, my only consolation was in the fact that the dance reputation I had built in the last 25 years superceded me and work still came through. And my house that was on the market for three years needed to sell for me to rise again – hope though, looked glim!
On a last trip to Cambridge with my dancers, feeling miserable and lonely, I looked upon an English newspaper that had a large picture of Scarlett Johansson who I adore. But the editorial was not about Scarlett or about Oprah Winfrey – it was about a book that was transforming everybody’s life… The Secret. I had to get it! This was the last day in Cambridge. It was a Sunday. I needed to find a bookstore – to my delight, up the road there was Borders. I went to ask the information desk whether thay have any books left… Sold out, she said. On the way out, she called again and told me she had three copies left in the upstairs department. I flew up the stairs to find a store keeper who told me – no, they have been sold! But try downstairs again where the special offers lay and ask there – the books were nowhere to be seen. Out of the blue, a gentleman came over, took me by the hand to a coveted stack of books and told me “Is this what you are looking for?” There they were. Three copies of The Secret… the last three! I took all three so I can share them with my friends. I was delighted!
It only took me the return trip to Malta for me to read it through. Within a month, I sold the house!!! And I got the price I wanted!!! I found the dream loft I always wanted and cheques from the VAT Department keep coming through the mail!! My friends see a change in me – I was offered two new television programmes and lots of commissioned work. Good things keep coming to me, because I believe I already have them, because I am blessed, because life is beautiful, because nothing can harm me now! I am invincible! I am alive!