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The greatest secret is within you
Submitted by: Felipe
ArgentinaI'm a 20 year young soul who just wants to create new wonderful words and share them with everyone.
I’d like to start off with some words of gratitude. Thank you Rhonda for sharing with us The Secret and The Power. Thank you everyone who’s wrote on this website, your stories inspire countless people. And thanks to the universe.
This story doesn’t have an ending. Actually, it is the story of a beginning. Before I read The Secret (which was some years ago) I was the shy and weird kid of my class. I had friends, but I never felt I was “fitting” in with the group. I barely spoke when we hung out. I was also an empty shell with my family and I kept everything to myself.
Being gay, I used to think that it was hard for me to get a nice guy to go out with me. I felt nobody would ever be interested in me.
I’ll just make an ellipsis here. I read the Secret, watched the movie… Something started changing inside my head. I started opening up, and being honest with MYSELF. I started to speak to myself in another way. I started college and made new, wonderful friends which I love and am very grateful for. My relationship with my family is much more fluid now. I am healthy and I am finally finding my beauty. I’ve fallen in love with myself. And now, girls and boys turn just to see me passing by. I’m dating a wonderful guy, nice, sweet and intelligent.
Now I move toward a bright future, with a happy present. I have manifested great things. My goals are high, but most surely, they aren’t impossible and they are coming.
I’m very happy for everyone who has discovered how wonderful life is, and I wish everyone does. I’m sure yours and my dreams will come true, and I’ll send out good thoughts for them!
Bless you.