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The Dream Job
Submitted by: Anonymous
USAI am a 25 year old that has always wanted more for myself in life. I was raised very well with most luxuries, however was forced to work through most of college due to my parents divorce. I have always been independent but have found myself lacking confidence at times because of situations that I felt were out of my hands.
The last year of my life has been a roller coaster. I have to say up until a few weeks ago I had no idea why some of the decisions I had made and things that had happened did. However, after finding The Secret I feel like the plan all fell into place.
I had a great job that I extremely enjoyed. I was a buyer for a furniture company that I helped bring from the ground up. It was a position with a lot of responsibility, however, I enjoyed it! I traveled to markets, learned to negotiate, and was able to see some amazing products. After working this position for almost two years a client approached me about partnering them in opening a retail home store. I had all the buying experience and retail knowledge and they would put up the majority of the cash. It took me weeks of prayer, talking with friends and family, and long thought for me to leave my job. Finally, I made the decision to go forward with this venture. I spent months and months researching, reading books, talking with suppliers, and making a business. In the end, it wasn’t meant to be. Without saying anything bad about my previous partners… they couldn’t hold up their end of the bargain.
At this point I was heart broken. I had told all my friends and half the city about the store so my pride was in shambles. I was at a severe low and clueless about where I should go from there. I started looking for jobs and I couldn’t find a thing. I reworked my resume, networked, considered relocating, and nothing worked. Why would this happen to me? So, shortly after a friend introduced me to The Secret. I was curious so I bought the book on tape. I listened to it over and over when in my car. I thought hard and tried to bring any job to me. Well, jobs came but they weren’t what I wanted. I was discouraged and confused. I didn’t understand why this wasn’t working for me even though I believed it could.
It wasn’t until after many months of looking that I was forced to take a much inferior position in furniture sales/interior design consulting. I hated the sales part and I still didn’t understand why. I am not a negative person, I just didn’t realize I was thinking negatively about my situation. I hadn’t accepted it and looked forward. So I started thinking about where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be. I was talking with a friend and after looking for a job in every direction possible I came back to what I had done before, Buying for a company. I loved that job, but in the area where I am located those jobs just don’t exist. So, I decided I would start looking everywhere, even if it meant moving across the country. I was broke and desperate and wanted to feel fulfilled by my career.
One day I came home from a bad day of work and sat down with myself and said… I will do this! I will get my life back! I got on my computer and just started looking at different job poster sights. I came across a position that was slightly vague, but sounded perfect. It was an International Buyer position for a home decor business. I almost did a cartwheel right there. I was so excited, but scared at the same time. I knew this was MY perfect job, exactly what I wanted to do. So, I applied and crossed my fingers.
I knew I had brought this job to myself, but I was still unsure if it could be mine, and it was even worse to think of seeing it and not receiving it. About a week later I received a phone call for an interview and after a three hour first interview with the president/founder of the company and a short second interview with the VP of purchasing, I was offered the position. I will be traveling the world in a few months with all expenses paid and seeing some of the most trend forward and creative products the world has to offer. Honestly, it still hasn’t settled in my head that I am about to begin my dream job. Everything I’ve ever wanted, and more.
The Secret works people. I know it’s hard to adjust your thinking to being positive when the world is falling down around you, but find something in your life to be happy about and just believe with everything you have that it will get better. You can have it and you will if you are focused and determined. Good Luck!