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The Creative Power Of The Secret
Submitted by: Joy
British Columbia, CanadaJoy is a writer on the West Coast who lives each day with joy and gratitude.
Six months ago, my life was a mess! I was anxious and depressed all the time, I didn’t know where I was going, and my relationship was falling apart. I’d had a copy of The Secret for a couple of years. I started using it a few times, but things would get a bit better, and I’d stop.
Last January I said to myself, “Enough.” I vowed to do whatever it took to change my life, and started using The Secret in earnest. I began a journal and started each day with a list of things I was thankful for, and a list of things that I asked the Universe to bring me. Following a suggestion of Rhonda Byrne’s in The Power, I spent 7 minutes every day focussing on the person I wanted to be and really feeling what it would be like to BE that person.
One of the things I envisioned was becoming the writer I’d always dreamed of being. I wrote a short piece for our local paper. They published it! I wrote another one, and they published that too. Since then I have written and published a number of articles.
Two weeks ago, the idea for a book came “out of nowhere,” and now I can’t write it down fast enough! It’s like someone is dictating it to me. I KNOW it’s going to be a success, but I really don’t care because I’m having so much fun writing it! I am no longer taking pills for depression, and I am virtually free of anxiety. Every morning I wake up full of vitality, and I can’t wait to see what the day will bring. When I feel like I’m backsliding, I just practise Ask, Believe, Recieve, and I’m back on track in no time. I am filled with gratitude every day.
As for that relationship I spent so much time agonizing over, he’s no longer the centre of my attention but I’m rapidly becoming the centre of his! What I want to tell you is this: You don’t have to practise the LOA perfectly. You don’t have to feel great all the time for it to work. Just give it what you can each day, and you’ll build up that force of attraction. You’ll be pulling so many good things towards you, that one day you’ll look around, and you won’t recognize your life, it will have changed so much!
Heartfelt thanks to Rhonda Byrne and her team, and to every one of you who has shared your story and inspired us all.
Blessings and joy ….