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The Bird
Submitted by: Annie
WVI am a student.
I read The Secret about a year ago, and I found it hard to let go and just believe in the process. I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted and I became discouraged.
Well, a couple days ago I decided to test The Secret and to change my life. I decided that I wanted a bird to fly right in front of me (weird I know, but for some reason that’s what I wanted). I pictured the bird flying in front of me and how I would feel when my test worked!
As the day went on, nothing happened, and I started to get discouraged again. I thought, “It’s winter, there won’t be any birds out, there is no way this can happen.” Then on my way home I decided to test it again. At this time I am stopped in four lanes of traffic at a stoplight, and I prayed for God to please change my life and bring me my bird. I said, “God, I want this to be the moment that changes my life forever and I have faith you will do this for me”. AT THAT MOMENT a bird flew directly in front of my car, and then paused right in front of my car and flew away.
This really works, and I am so thankful to God for bringing The Secret into my life! THANK YOU THANK YOU!