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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Universe!
Submitted by: Onyx
DelhiGrateful and happy.
Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.
Today, I wish to take a moment to express my heartiest gratitude to the Universe, The Secret, The Magic, The Power, and to all of you beautiful people here who post their success stories. Trust me, these stories have come to my rescue in the truest sense, in upholding my faith whenever I have felt low.
My story here today is about my very recent manifestation of a very specific person who I believed to be my soulmate, my Significant Other (SO) since the very day I got to know him. There was a short period in which the Universe had disconnected him from my life. But, all throughout, I was certain that we were meant for each other and would soon be back together in each other’s lives. I had even shared a story about my faith here and it had been published. I considered that as a sign that my desires were under manifestation. I had promised myself that I would come here again and express my thanks through another story whenever I would receive him back in my life. Lo and behold! Here I am!
Yes, you guessed it right! The Universe has finally given him and his love back to me! In fact, it is so much stronger and deeper this time. I just can’t express how I am feeling right now, ecstatic would be an understatement. Nevertheless, what I can surely say is that it has all been possible only due to the teachings of The Secret, The Magic, The Power, and the ever-transforming attitude of gratitude. Trust me guys, gratitude is the key, in and out.
For anyone out there who is in the same boat as I was, please, please, please, keep your faith intact. It has happened to me, for me. And definitely, it can and will happen to you, for you. The Universe is surely listening. It is just a matter of some patience and perfect timing until your blessings reach you. So please just keep hanging in there.
Wishing all of you lots of love, light, and magic dust for you until then and after. Take care. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!