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Job After 9 Months
Submitted by: Blue Rose
Mumbai, IndiaFinally, out from Depression, I realized my true self, my true potential because of The Secret.
I am a Chartered Accountant from Mumbai. C.A. exams are one of the toughest exams in India and I managed to clear them in the first attempt by believing in The Secret. However, I realized soon after clearing that getting a degree is just the beginning.
My struggle began after I cleared the most prestigious exams. I went to the Campus Interviews and got rejected. In the span of 8 months of unemployment, It would be hard to believe, I had only got Interview calls from 3 or 4 places. I couldn’t understand the situation at all. The job market was pretty bad at that time, but I had never imagined that even after clearing the C.A. exams in my first attempt, l would be unemployed.
After battling bouts of depression, I realized the true reason behind this. Due to one incident in the past, I had lost my motivation, my sense of ambition, for the past 2 years. Therefore, I was trying for jobs superficially, but deep inside me, I just wanted to stay at home, at a safe place, away from the competition, away from failure. I was scared of failure. I was scared of people judging me, I was scared for being a non achiever.
I realized that unless and until I truly want a job, I am never going to get it. Finally, I shook all the negative feelings away, and started working towards getting a job truly.
As it is mentioned in The Secret, The Universe listened to my wish. Soon after, I got a call from one of the companies I had applied to before and had forgotten about. . I went to the interview, and for the first time I was not nervous about the outcome, and I truly felt CONFIDANT about myself.
I aced the interview. I got a call the very next day, I FINALLY GOT A JOB!
P.S. Since I never had any Dream Company in my mind, the place where I am working currently resembles all the features that I wanted in my workplace. Quality work, one of the biggest corporations, situated not very far from my home, smooth travelling to the workplace, excellent helping and supporting colleagues and team members and Finally a FAT salary, more than what I had ever dreamed of.