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Thank you for adding quality to my life
Submitted by: David L.
Richmond, B.C., CanadaSince I read the books "The Secret" & "The Power", I have restarted my Professional Speaking business on Personal Development. I have written three books (one is a children's book, one is a book of poetry, and the third is a book of motivational sayings).
Hi Rhonda, how are you? Thank you so much for your movie, book, & audio book. My life has changed so much since I watched and read your books, The Secret and The Power. I want to share my story with you…
I wanted to get myself a bicycle to ride for exercise, so I asked for one. I said, “I want a bike. It doesn’t have to be new, but I want a good one that will last, I don’t care if it is used.” That was on a Monday. On Friday of the same week, a friend of mine called me out of the blue and said, “David, we are moving today to our new home, and I have this bike I want to get rid of. I bought it twenty years ago, but I have only used it once, it is still like brand new. I paid approximately $1,000.00 for it, twenty years ago. Do you want it?” I asked him how much does he want. And he said, “It’s free! I just want to find a good home for it. I will deliver it to you today.” I thought, “Oh my God, this really works!!!”
Since I saw the movie and read the book, my life has transformed into a life of prosperity – I have since restarted my Professional Speaking business on Personal Development. I have also written three books; one is a children’s book, one is a book of poetry, and the third is a book on motivational sayings.
Thank you Rhonda, I am so grateful and thankful for you and for the universe. Take care and talk to you soon. By the way, I must have told at least 100 people about the book and the movie. I also started my own blog on personal development.
David Lang
Richmond, B.C., Canada