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Thank You For A New Life!
Submitted by: SHILPA
Delhi, IndiaI'm 19 years old, a happy student, living in India. A huge fan, follower, and deep believer of The Secret.
First of all, Thank you for revealing The Secret!!
Before reading The Secret, I had so many problems in my life and I kept fussing about the problems and kept complaining about them.
My friend had told me about The Secret book. I really wanted a hard copy of the book. I had the ebook version for two years in my laptop, but never read it. Finally, I ordered The Secret and owned a copy of the great book.
After I read The Secret, my life completely changed.
I realised I had many more blessings in my life than I had problems. I started thanking God for each and every blessing and the problems I had started fading out like a miracle. Then I realised the power of The Secret. I knew that with the knowledge to apply The Secret, I had attracted all the good things in my life, some of which were no less than a miracle.
I did a thorough recalling of my past and I remembered how I had attracted good things in my life with persistent thoughts and it was nothing other than The Secret working which I was unaware of, at that time.
Even the hardcopy of The Secret was itself attracted by me because I deeply wanted to read it, not knowing what’s there in the book. Now, I bought The Power and The Magic. I also bought The Master Key System as I want to absorb the law of attraction in each and every fiber of my being.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You so Much Rhonda Byrne and Team for the book, The Secret.
God Bless You ALL Always and Always.