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Signs Everywhere
Submitted by: Ella F
Los Angeles, CaliforniaA positive girl who has changed her life by applying The Secret.
My story is a long one but I will try to shorten it. I am so excited to be posting here as I have been so inspired by everyone’s stories for some time now! I want to thank Rhonda and her team for sharing such a life changing experience with The Secret. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!
I had heard of The Secret, but never watched the movie or read the book until 6 weeks ago. What I have seen and experienced, has changed my life FOREVER.
I was working late one night with a friend when he told me there was a movie I needed to watch. I had no clue what he would say, but this inner voice just shouted “The Secret!” and I asked, (but for some reason just knew) “Is it The Secret?”.
Of course the answer was yes. That night I knew I had to go home and watch it.
That night I took notes like crazy, contacted everyone I knew that needed to watch it and just filled myself with positivity. One moment that just struck me like lightening from the movie was when they listed the steps, “Ask, Believe, Receive”. Several years back, I got a tattoo of my favorite Bible verse. I heard the voice again tell me “The message has been with you for years and now you get it”. The verse is, “If you believe, you shall receive whatever you ask for in prayer”. Ummm, WOW!
A few weeks after applying the law of attraction to my life and cleansing myself of negativity I noticed a cyst I was told needed to be operated some day and removed, was shrinking. I missed an appointment to check if it had grown and I just KNEW it was going to go away.
Now, 6 weeks later I am happy to say it is GONE! I went to bed for the past 3 nights bordering on being awake and dreaming and just kept commanding over and over again for it to leave my body and just visualized it shrinking each time. Then I would repeat the magical words of gratitude, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!” and it is gone.
On another day I commanded an extra $300 to be in my account the following day.
Guess what!?
I actually forgot to check my account until two days later, but just as I commanded the $300 was in there the day I asked. It was from two different deposits and one was simply listed as “deposit”. There was no indication of where it even came from!
A couple weeks back I asked the Universe to send me a black and white cat as a sign it was bringing me something I had commanded it to manifest. A couple days after I was backing out of my driveway, when my sister said “Watch out for the cat”. I asked “What cat!?”. Sure enough a black and white spotted cat was walking up my driveway like it owned the place and paid no attention to my car moving backwards toward it. Then three blocks later, another black and white spotted cat was sitting on the corner watching cars pass by. I just had to start laughing and crying for joy and yelling “Thank you!”
These are just a few stories I felt the nudge from the Universe to share with you all here. Please continue to post, I love reading everyone’s positive and inspiring stories and look forward to posting more for all of you.
Believe and feel you have received. Then be so thankful what you put out there and asked for has already happened and you will see it soon!