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The Secret Will Find You!
Submitted by: Maria E.
Nahant, MAI am a wife, mother to 3 great kids, 2 boys and a daughter. My oldest is in a local college, my middle son is a Marine and my daughter is in Jr. High.
I had not been feeling very positive of late and by no means had I been living The Secret. I had read it years ago and when I applied it I always felt better and things would happen for the better. On this particular day I woke up and I decided that I needed a change. I needed to get out of this foggy headed rut I was in.
I wanted to download The Secret on my phone but it would not let me for one reason or another. I really wanted the CD so I could listen to it in my car but does anyone even sell those anymore? I decided to stop at the local Barnes and Noble store for a cup of coffee and I figured, what the heck, I’ll just get the book. After all, reading is good for you. I start walking over to the section where I would find The Secret book and I passed a woman who was inventorying some new books that had just come in. On top of the pile of books was The Secret CD! I was stunned at first and I told the woman about what just happened and she could not believe it either. It was meant to be she said, and she was right. I put the CD on as soon as I got in my car and I am going to apply myself to being positive and grateful every day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!