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Roscoe Returns
Submitted by: Sue
MelbourneNurse, wife and mother of two. Discovering the joy of The Secret.
This happened a couple of days ago. Our cat Roscoe, is a mischievous tabby cat, 2 yrs old and lover of the outdoors. We live on 5 acres and he heads out whenever he can to do whatever it is cats do 🙂 He was always coming back when he was hungry, which would be after a few hours, because he seems to always be hungry!!
Anyway, two days ago he decides to follow my two daughters off to the school bus stop. I got a call from my eldest to come and get him at the end of our road, as they were about to head onto a main road. This was something he had never done before. So off I went and there he was sitting under a bush and no amount of coaxing could get him to come out. So I told the girls to jump in the car and I would drop them off at the bus stop.
I was back within a couple of minutes and he was gone. I thought to myself, he’s probably headed back home. He’ll be back when he’s ready. Well nightfall came and no Roscoe. He had never been out this long before. My youngest was beginning to worry and I just said don’t worry he’s fine, he will be back.
So, I decided to use The Secret, and lay in bed visualising him at the side door where he always comes to be let back in. I even tried someone else’s suggestion of visualising as if I was him and coming down the road, looking both ways to avoid cars and running up our drive to the side door. I asked the angels to keep him safe and went to sleep.
When I awoke in the morning, still no Roscoe. By now, my youngest is really beginning to be concerned. It had now been 24 hrs since he had disappeared. Again, I told her not to worry he’s fine! I went out and called a few times, and came back inside. I sat down to my morning cup of tea and to read the paper and when I look up there he is at the side door meowing to be let in 🙂 Just as I had visualised. He came in straight to his bowl, as per usual. None the worse for wear.
I don’t know how or where he spent those 24hrs but I was so grateful that he had found his way back to us 🙂