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Remember Reach
Submitted by: Dale
Brisbane - AustraliaJust a quick note – to prove to myself that I can create anything.
I am currently playing Halo:Reach multiplayer online. We have quite a poor internet connection due to inadequate and out dated telecommunications infrastructure. The games systems lists my connection as ‘substandard for gameplay’. Always losing and starting to feel that I was just a lousy player…..I stopped and thought to use the power to and see what I could do.
After visualising and feeling that I was a great player, the next game started. 12 minutes later….I won!! It seemed so easy.
Was it the power? I choose to believe yes.
I guess my next step is to visualise getting that ultra-fast broadband connection, something I have been told is not possible – and will have to wait years for the Fibre to the Home rollout.
I think not!