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Red Pen.
Submitted by: Em
n/aI'm 16 and I've known about the law of attraction for three years.
I was sitting in the car with my Dad. We had just left the house and I was journaling with a red pen until the pen ran out of ink. I asked my dad if he had a pen, and he said no. I looked around and couldn’t find a pen anywhere. I know that I can literally manifest anything. So, I visualized myself finding a pen. I would write with it and thank the Universe for it. I took some deep breaths and kept searching.
To my surprise, I found a new red pen between the seats which I was sure wasn’t there before. I know manifesting a pen is not very big at least not as big as getting a job or money. But I always like this story because it reminds me to be grateful for the little things and it reminds me how fast you can manifest with the right mindset.