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Submitted by: Emm
Manitoba, Canada22 year old female, a firm believer in The Secret!!!
During the summer, I was going through rough times and was in search of some inspiration of any kind, and I had heard of the book “The Secret” previously, so I decided to buy it and read it. I had just finished reading the part in the book about choosing something small to manifest and about the young man who had manifested a very distinct feather. I wanted to try it, so I thought to myself, “I would like a dollar.” I thought about holding a dollar in my hand, nothing special, just a dollar.
Later that evening, a close friend and I went out for Starbucks. While we were waiting for our drinks, he pulls out this coin from his pocket and says, “Oh my God, I can’t believe I still have this! Do you want it?” He hands it to me. I took it and examined it, and said, “What is it??” He says, “It’s a dollar from Brazil, from when I was there!” All I could do was laugh in disbelief!!
Later, while drinking my tea with my dear friend, I was examining the coin and I noticed this very word on it “Real”. I keep the coin now as a constant reminder that the Universe is responding and that it is REAL!!! Believe in it! It is real!