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My Miracle Short Documentaries
Submitted by: Ahmad Yousif
Montreal,Quebec(Canada)Ahmad Yousif is a gifted person with many talents especially towards the entertainment field. He is a music producer, sound engineer, upcoming movie producer, conscious rap artist, comedian and he is blessed with acting.
In the summer of 2011, I had a tough time looking for a suitable career in the sound engineering field. I went from one job to another and I wasn’t happy because I only did it for the money. I had a passion for media and I was willing to participate in the film industry. I took a risk and I had to quit on some jobs because they weren’t meant for me. If you think about it, you will be on the work field for 8 hours or more and if you don’t enjoy what you are doing, then you are simply wasting your time.
That being said, on November 2011, I found the best opportunity on earth! I got accepted it in the program of documentaries and I was happy more than ever, thanks to my imagination and vision. After studying the law of attraction, I realized that you have to focus with all your energy and apply faith at the same time. I guess my persistence paid off!
I produced two short movies with a company called Studio Itineraire located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The mission of this organization is to help participants to be stable in a career and to boost their confidence. It was worth it all the way! Moreover, the staff introduced us to the art of movie making and how to prepare the sets and the plans before shooting. They were very supportive and they encouraged us to never to give up.
The first short documentary I produced is called True Identity It all came from my heart and I want to show the world that with god, you can be victorious no matter what. Also, when you have a supportive family, this can actually save your life. True Identity is my world, what I have been through and who I really am. It can inspire people who have lost hope.
The second short documentary which is my favorite one is Beyond Ambition It’s about my good old friend Vijay R. Patel who had a brutal accident at the age of 12. He thought that his life was shattered and he was worried about his future. Later, he didn’t let his accident affect him. After all his hard work and dedication, he got recognized in the basketball league and he thanked me for being there for him. He proved that every thing is possible and nothing is impossible!
On March 2012, both of my short documentaries were released at the theater of Beaubien in Montreal and were presented infront of the community. I must say, they were impressed! My mission was finally accomplished!
In conclusion, all I got to say is go for what you die for, and do what you love so you can be productive in life. The more you concentrate for what you want, the more chances you will attract the opportunities that you always desired.