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Mother Of 4 Wins Jackpot!
fAIRFIELD CA'I'm a 32 year old Single mother of four children. One girl and three boys.
Hello Everyone,
I want to share my Secret story.
I started reading and watched the DVD of the secret months ago. It was something that was given to my mother from her brother. When I saw the DVD for the first time, I wanted everyone to know. My children and I would watch and I would feel so good.
My story is wonderful, most of my life we had struggling with events on and off. I am single mother of four and provide for my children. Once The Secret came into my life everyday was a new fulfillment of our life. So I started with just writing things all over my room, and saying things over and over. Like money comes quickly and easy. I knew there was going to be a breakthrough. I started even writing checks for all the things that I wanted and would evenually buy.
On my ceiling was the mega winning number to the Mega Million. I had the children and even the store owner saying it was ours. I bought my ticket knowing that I’m the winner!!
I told my mom and family so they can pick out what desires that I can buy them. They knew that it is well deserved!! I knew that all my hard work and dedication would pay off!! Literally!! I knew The Secret will work!!
So the night before, the kids and I planned out where we were going to live. I even made calls to the realtor to set up an appointment to look at the home, the kids also visualized how they wanted their room to be decorated. Just knowing the fact that I can spend time with my family with full abundance in our life was a great feeling. The night before the drawing we celebrated and talked about it all night.
Well, behold the truth to be told, I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The 15 million mega million jackpot was ours!!!
I will continue to be on my quest for all good things in life, donating time and money for others will also make me feel good!! I thank the universe for everything!!!!!!!!
Thank you to The Secret!! I would love to be apart of your crew and mentor others.
Thank you again!!!!!!!!!!
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!