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Most Awaited Call.
Submitted by: Ayat
ParisI’m a 19 year old girl and a firm believer in the law of attraction.
I would like to thank Rhonda Byrne for writing this beautiful book, The Secret, for putting it out into the world, and for changing the lives of uncountable people. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
As I write this story, I am overwhelmed with emotions. My heart is filled with gratitude and happiness. I always wanted to share my story and now finally, the day has arrived. After 2 years of a beautiful and happy relationship, we had to break up because of family pressure.
It has been more than 5 months now. I tried my best to save my relationship and I did everything I could. I kept asking Universe to give me signs to let me know if we would be together again and if our families would accept us. The Universe would always deliver me those signs that I had asked for. So I did have full faith in the unfathomable power of the Universe.
To cut a long story short, today I received the call I had been waiting for. My partner talked to me in the most polite and wonderful manner. We had a great conversation, the conversation that my heart had been yearning for. That 2 hour long phone call has made me super happy. It is marking the start of a new and exciting journey. Now I know for sure that the Universe will get us back together and we will be happy again.
If anyone out there has lost their hope or is disheartened, I would suggest to you that you not be. Have faith and everything will work out for you and it will do so for your highest good. I will be coming back super soon to share the happiest story of my life, the story of us uniting again. The Universe has my back.
Magic dust and love to all. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe!