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Money and Email wish granted
Submitted by: Judy B
Trinidad West Indies43 year old High School Teacher. Working on and Believing in the Universe and LOA.
I will start of with lots of love and gratitude to Rhonda and the entire Secret Team. May God richly bless all of you for the wonderful work you are doing.
I read “The Secret” book in August of 2010 when I was going through a pretty rough time with my then boyfriend. I tried to apply the principles so I could keep my boyfriend, but nonetheless we had a huge fight in September and broke up on my birthday. I was very depressed and sad and angry for a while, then I decided to pick myself up and start over.
I can’t remember if I was using the LOA during the next year, but I did see the movie and took Joe Vitale’s advice and asked the Universe for $25,000. Things started to look up for me. I was making extra money, and was happy spending time with my family. Life was good.
Fast forward to 2012. I volunteered to donate part of my liver to my ailing niece and had to travel to Argentina. As I was in the passport office organising my for my passport I realized that I had won the numbers in the cashpot. I had won $19,152. I was really overwhelmed. I had forgotten about the $25,000 that I had asked for. Later on I received $5000 from a medical claim for tests done for the operation. My wish for money had been granted.
During my stay in Argentina I met my soulmate. It was amazing how we clicked. It was love at first sight. We spent time together and it was amazing. He is everything I had been waiting for in a soulmate. We promised to keep in touch and prepared ourselves for a long distance relationship. It’s been four months since we have been apart from each other but we love each other dearly, and we are just preparing for a life ahead.
We communicate via email and skype and it’s ok for now, but recently I did not get an email from him for a month. I was a bit sad and worried but I know in my heart of hearts that he was ok. I read about a girl who tested the Universe by asking to see yellow jeans, and another who asked to see a yellow car. I asked the Universe for an email. I focused on him and visualized an email from him. I even wrote that I was grateful for an email from him.
I was up early today, checked my email but there was none from him. I went to work and later I checked my email and there it was…the email I had been waiting for.
For those of you who are still in doubt, please keep the faith. The LOA really works. I know it’s hard. I cried for a while because I miss him very much, but then I put out my requests and let it go. I read all the stories on this site and get courage and strength.
I am in the process of getting my house, car and the love of my life with me.All using the LOA. Give thanks everyday for eveything. I hope my story inspires someone out there. Love and blessings to you all.