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Submitted by: Devon
ConnecticutWife, artist, dreamer, believer.
I was recently laid off from my job due to the company moving to a different location. I work as a waitress and fully rely on tips to pay bills and buy groceries since our checks are only a very small fraction of what we actually make.
I had been unable to collect unemployment benefits because I make $125 a week as “self employed.” Even though I made a small income, I still relied on the $350+ that I made at the restaurant and needed to come up with something to supplement my income. I decided to apply The Secret and see what I could manifest. I cleared out my wallet and purse to make room for the money I was going to be bringing in and I meditated on abundance and gratitude.
Within 24 hours I manifested an unexpected second contract job for $125, $60 in a tip for said contracting job and found a $20 bill on the ground. I was also handed 3 checks that day with my name on it and met a man with a “money suit”! He was wearing a suit with $100 bills printed all over it.
What are the odds of that?! Within 24 hours I manifested myself over $200 in unexpected income and got a wink from the universe when I met the man in the money suit.
It made me feel so connected to the universe and so powerful within myself. I am planning on opening my own business in a year or so using The Secret. I’m so grateful for all of the opportunities that this book has opened up for me and the confidence to create within my own reality!