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My Mom’s Perfect Health Miracle.
Submitted by: ankit deep
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you Universe and Rhonda Byrne and my family of The Secret.
So my story is that last month my mom got admitted in hospital due to a lack of platelets. We tried many things to help like goat’s milk, Kiwi and also a platelets treatment but there was no result. Her platelets went down to 11000. So we then again had to admit her to hospital. I talked with her and kissed my mom and told her many things that I had never said before the night. I visualized that her health was increasing and she was getting better and better.
By Tuesday she came home with a more healthy and happy body and mind! I never have doubt in the LOA. This is a real powerful thing and it gave me the same result that I had visualized. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love you mommy!