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Miracles Do Happen!!!
Submitted by: Sai
IndiaWho I am? That’s a secret.
So I read this book long ago and tried to test it, but later gave up because I was sure it would not work. I was full of negative feelings about it. But who knows, maybe the miracle was just waiting for me?
Two weeks ago I discovered that I lost my favorite outfit. It’s a designer piece and I had saved it for a special occasion. I searched every nook and corner of my house. I asked everyone around to no avail. Then my last hope was to test this law of attraction. I thought to give it a try.
I emptied the space in my cupboard and started visualizing that dress was in that place. I maintained positive thoughts and happy feelings. To my surprise, I got a call from my aunt. She lives in another state, and when I had visited her, I had forgotten my dress there. It was impossible. I mean I couldn’t recall when I took the dress to her and neither did she. She then came here two days after that for some purpose and brought back the dress.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! I shouted to the Universe in absolute awe. Now I believe in the LOA and started sharing this secret to others as well. Thank you so much for revealing The Secret.