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Love, Financial Freedom, Dream Home And Life!
Submitted by: T
VancouverA successful female in her 30's who lost everything and gained everything by letting it go and trusting in the Universe.
Let me tell you about why I believe in The Secret and the Universe. My story is a long one which entails the pursuit of happiness, and I finally have it. I had written things down long before I got what I wanted. That brought me to the events that made me feel like I had gotten everything I asked for. I was living my dream life and love finally found me. I found the love of my life. Everything was going great until my fears kicked in. I became worried. Insecure. Dependent on the other person for my happiness. And I would unintentionally visualize him leaving me and that lead to me being unhappy in the relationship.
Then it happened. The day came when he abruptly came over and said he didnt want to be in the relationship anymore. I was utterly heartbroken. I felt so defeated that I let him walk away and I felt like I was not good enough. The next few months I experienced the worst heartbreak of my life. I could not sleep, or eat properly. I cried on and off uncontrollably. I missed him so much and did not know what to do.
Then I woke up one day remembering that the law of attraction had worked for me before. I had proof. But how do I get out of this place of desperation and neediness? I tried meditating, but it did not work.
I was still focused on one thing, getting him back. I kept on Visualizing us together. Nowhere in there was I focusing on a better life for myself. I was not manifesting my happiness apart from him. Then it hit me. Every moment in my life when I had men throw themselves at me, or relationships formed, were when I was happy being alone. There is something truly to that. Being happy alone, having self-love, focusing on your own goals and being grateful all bring more abundance to you.
So after everything was already falling apart, I was forced into a situation that I really did not want. I had to start over. In every aspect of my life. It was so hard. But I new one thing, I had a vision of what my happy ending looked like. And I knew I would have it.
So one by one, I stopped looking at my circumstances as negative. I tried to find the good in everything that went “wrong”. I started focusing on myself, my health, my goals, and vision boarding, my visualizing, and my dreams again. What did I want? I wanted my ex to come back to me and realize that I was the “one”. And if he didn’t, I asked the Universe for something better. I wanted financial freedom and I wasn’t even working at the time. I wanted a place of my own in a dream location, and I wanted to travel the world.
This took a little bit, but let me tell you something. Slowly but surely, things started happening. I joined the gym and I started eating better. I started my own business, which was something that I had always wanted to do. I started reading books about investing and I started investing. I started a fashion Youtube channel that I strictly did as a hobby and now I have a huge following. I am not only financially independent but I am making money from streams that actually bring me joy. It does not even feel like work. My relationships all around me became stronger. I felt this magnetic pull as if I was drawing everyone to me. Men, women, family, and friends. It was like everyone wanted to be around me. I bought my dream place and everything else was falling into place.
This was all happening so quickly. Dates were coming to me effortlessly. Then it happened. My ex started contacting me. It is true what they say, the moment you move on, that is when the ex returns. But this was different. He said the last few months he was thinking about me like crazy and that he had made a big mistake. He said I was “the one”, the words I had wanted to hear. He told me he was ready to spend the rest of his life with me and was willing to do whatever it takes.
Now here’s the kicker. I was so happy and because I was going on dates, I realized that the Universe was showing me something better. I got exactly what I had wanted! So I happily turned him down.
A couple weeks later, one of the guys I was seeing asked for me to be his girlfriend. I trusted the process. I am happily married to this man to this day. He embodies everything I ever wanted and more. I am a true believer that letting go and focusing on self-love gets you everything. Focus on the ending. I feel like everything that I originally lost was mediocre in comparison to all that I have today. I am forever grateful for all my blessings and The Secret. The universe has a funny way of working things out. All you have to do is believe and love yourself in the process.