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Living my truth through literature
Submitted by: Deena Cook
Bellevue, WAI am a stay at home mom/author who is living her dream each and every day!
Saying my life is blessed… that is an understatement. I am overly blessed and filled with gratitude that has almost all the way set me free.
A year ago I watched The Secret, and was absolutely enthralled. Could this be true? Was this real? I couldn’t get the movie out of my head. I was honored to be learning truths from many authors I had already admired. For the authors, speakers, and scientists I didn’t know, I had a new found admiration.
Guess what my deep thinking had made me realize???? I had always known the Secret without a name. I had written a list of the qualities I wanted in a spouse. I had thanked God and focused on these. My husband fit 9 out of the 10 things I was looking for. I wanted a daughter first… yup, I had my sweet little girl. I asked for twins and really, really wanted this for years. Two boys followed.
I decided to take the Secret and apply it with a name again, some four years later. I began a dream that I had been denying because I didn’t think I was good enough and goodness knows I had had enough teachers tell me I wasn’t smart enough. I had friends tell me I would never be famous. The dream got put aside. After the movie, I began a new quest. I had to get rid of a lot of past negativity and say with excitement: “I am a famous author of children’s stories. I have a book that resonates with children and I am a success.” I practiced saying this daily. Hourly. Minutely. (word? 🙂 Very, very difficult at first. Wow, I almost felt like I didn’t have a right to say these things. Without looking back I kept repeating these beliefs with all of my heart until they became a part of me. From that point on my dream began unfolding.
What started as my dad giving a title as a suggestion, became my book (my friend and myself) outline which became a draft which became a book. To this date, Pinkyandpeanut: The Adventure Begins has sold 1,200 copies in a little over 10 weeks. I can’t believe it. I simply cannot believe this. What a blessing. I see my book on websites that are German, Chinese, Russian etc.
The next step is to work on my self. Finally face those demons that make me think I am not good enough, fit enough, liked enough. My 2008 goal is this… I have an agent for my book and it will go global. I am at my perfect weight and am free of diets forever. I have patience for my husband and children. And… I like myself.
To everyone out there, thank you for your stories, you beliefs, and your goals. What an inspiration. To all of the creators, crew, speakers, thank you for creating a way to really and truly live our truths. Live them out loud and love life.
God bless you from the bottom of my heart.