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Life Transformation
Submitted by: Patrick Woolhouse Jr!
Wappapello MissouriI am Coordinator of "Wappapello Integrators Unlimited" and have more opportunities for Abundant Wealth than I can shake a stick at than Carters has pills.
What happened to me is all of a miracle.
At one point I was broke, exhausted, depressed, scared, lonely, angry, and “pissed” most of the time.
Today all that is the opposite!
I went from a “lowly” min wage “worker” and now I am Coordinator of “Wappapello Integrators Unlimited” of the national Society Of Secrets. I was hand chosen by founder of the Society Of Secrets, Mark Hamilton HIMSELF, and now I am well on my way to becoming, more sooner than later, Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams.
I have my perfect weight of 200 pounds of lean muscle mass, more sexy than most men within 5 – 20 years my own age. I am 24 years young.
I reunited myself with my father Patrick Woolhouse Sr. after being heartbreakingly separated after 20 painful years of NOT knowing each other.
One day I sat down and realized that I have two sisters “out there” somewhere. I had no idea how I knew that I had TWO sisters out there before then, but I just declared that I was GOING to see them and meet them. Within a period of time I was awoken by my grandmother Margie aka “Gram” whom I was living with at the time. She said I had a phone call. I took the phone call. It was from my Grandmother Nancy Woolhouse, and to my sheer amazement before I knew it I was going to meet with her after 20 YEARS of NOT knowing her!
Once I got to the Starbucks I saw that my uncle Jim Woolhouse was there as well. She did not even mention that he was coming along. NOW at the time I was living in Gig Harbor WA, and both Jim and Nancy trvaled from Waitsburgh WA all the way to Gig Harbor WA just to meet with me. It was very heartwarming to say the very least. Before I knew it I was falling asleep in my aunt Terries home next to my very own family during one of my own deliberate creations to be there!
Her husband is my Uncle Bob Abernathy. He built all the Thomas Kinkade Galleries on the west coast of the USA! He knows The Secret too!
To make this story really short, which could take over 20 pages long to tell the minor details of all of this. To make sure that I do not drag this out with the dictionary version I will just simply stick with the “readers digest” version of my story.
I went from what I was before to now well on my way to fast becoming a BILLIONAIRE! Most people that have watched The Secret only CHOOSE to be a MILLIONAIRE.
I have The Secret Check, taped just below the crystals that I wanted to Manifest which I did (they are SO beautiful in the light and HOW PRETTY they are) that reads an END RESULT of 10 BILLION USD by June 14th (for my birthday gift to myself) 2030! In my mind the amount is already as good as done.
I have already received TWO unexpected checks in the mail which I will just let you guess at as to HOW MUCH they were made out for…
I have been studying The Law Of Attraction all of my life and only became aware of what it was called in February of 2005 when I invested in the audio course “Know How To Be Rich”, Created by Dr. Robert Anthony.
To everyone reading this right now that are frustrated because things do not “seem” to be working I have just this to say: Go with the secret in your heart and you WILL Manifest your every desire just like I am witnessing myself quickly transforming into on a consistent basis!
I am SO Happy and Grateful, Joyful and Elated to have shared this precious “testimony” with you, and I wish you THE very best in creating all that you want to Be, Do and Have in ALL facets of your life!
Lovingly and Respectfully,
Patrick Alan Woolhouse Jr!