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Life as a human Being — Healing hands
Submitted by: John L Boutilier
Sydney, NSI am 21 year old healer studying further the power of mind and realizing the full potential of our bodies. I pray before long to be teaching what I have learned. My main goal is to help everyone who asks for guidance to lean on every once in a while.
I was being encouraged for months to watch The Secret. At the time I was busy tapping into the endless ancient wisdom that I have carried over for many lifetimes. I truly had no clue what I was about to attract and how it could affect my life so quickly and powerfully, and that there was even something such as an “attractive force”.
To step back and tell you a bit about how my life was raised… you see I do fall in to that 85% category, but like Jack says “So What!” I was slowly being corrupted as a child, told that I was foolish by people watching me give advice to people 3 and 4 times my age – because wisdom comes with age, “Old Age”. But the I gave advice was life changing in the area in which they had asked me for an opinion; and I didn’t know why I knew what to say, I just knew what to say… I just felt, as if it were coming from the depth of my untapped consciousness. I know now that it’s a universal consciousness. But people just wanted to bring me down from this happiness, didn’t want me to be so “weird”, and always explained to me my inferiority as a child … but I knew I was different.
All of my life I was able to heal myself of minor pains, headaches and so forth. I have found myself strongly against common society and it’s beliefs and values strongly denying mine. As time wore on I found myself graduated from high school but slipping from my beliefs and I started not to side with society, but to fall between the large gap in the center between free will and when we’re aloud to use it ( society )… I did eventually find that being different was hard…long story short depression did kick in and it consumed me.
I spent 2 years like this, anger, sadness, confusion… it was not comfortable anymore especially not for me I couldn’t heal myself anymore. Spirits, wise guides, god or my higher-self, whatever you wish to call it, stopped feeding me information. And then I got sick. Realizing this I thought… this cannot be right, this isn’t me… and became stressed to the point of retreating to unemployment.
While stress free from the so called “real world” I decided to seek out energy manipulation, not for anything specific, I just wanted to know there was more, more for me and everyone that wanted more. I suppose as I did I have attracted just that. From that I started to study martial arts– “Tai Chi” was the art form, and from that was one of my greatest gifts–an introduction to a master healer–not associated with the small martial art group but a good friend of them. She attuned me to a great and very powerful system of healing… it was very profound. I started being able to channel energy to heal people, of pain and disease. I studied further and learned to help people with depression and other mental illness and I learned a distant prayer type healing method that could treat illness or pain across space and time!! But it was stuck at that.
She then introduced me to The Secret. This was the first time in weeks someone had told me about it. She wasn’t letting me leave with out the dvd as I suppose I really attracted powerfully. I watched it and discovered all these amazing things that I already knew… but now with a deeper reasoning and in a way that I could really help other people shape their lives. I felt as I did when I was a kid, knowing all there was to know in a very simple form. As a result I thanked every form of deity, god and universe for the unlimited energy power from my hands. When people started to feel intense heat and even wind generated as a result of the healing energy that flows from my hands I knew that it worked and that I was going to make this knowledge my way of life. I now understand meditation and have so much more meaning for it. I use it to shape the power of my healing techniques and my life to help others. I am now deeply involved in a study that will help me pass on the power to heal to a person who has knowledge of this power or even someone who doesn’t but has interest. My life is truly becoming amazing and will continue on becoming more amazing. I will be able to pass on all of this knowledge, the knowledge passed on to me through meditation, and the power of my healing arts in profound ways to help touch lives and truly devote myself to teaching this and help create better lives for people. And as a result help to shape the future for a much more miraculous experience that we call life as a human being.