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Just Believe Then Receive
Submitted by: Joseph D.
Pittsburgh, PAI am a new person with a new wonderful life thanks to the teachings of "The Secret".
My story started a few months ago when my girlfriend and I broke off our relationship. It wasn’t really what I wanted, but she seemed to want it, so we decided to end it. I started to get into a very depressed mood because of the breakup, because of my unsatisfactory job, and my whole life in general.
During this time my roommate could sense something was wrong with me, and could tell that I wasn’t myself. She tried talking to me about things that were bothering me, but all I wanted to do was to be left alone. The depressed state that I was in started to affect my friendship with my roommate, my job performance, and even the people I work with could sense the negativity I had within myself.
One night after having a very bad, depressing day, my roommate demanded we talk about what was bothering me. I decided to tell her everything that was missing in my life… my relationship with my ex, a menial job, and low self esteem. She told me about a book, DVD, and audio book she had called “The Secret,” and said that it would help me get through this, and she said it could get me the life I always wanted for myself. The strange thing is, I do some consulting work on the side, and at one of my client’s offices just days before sat this DVD called “The Secret”, and inside the cover was written “This really works, Try it and see.” I had no idea at the time what “The Secret” was, but as soon as my roommate mentioned it, I knew I had to read it.
She gave me the book, and I devoured its every page. I couldn’t get enough about the teachings it held. I started listening to the audio book every day, and watched the DVD continuously. We both started discussing its teachings, and decided to do what it said, like writing down things we desired, creating visualizations, being grateful at all times, creating vision boards, and most importantly, believing, believing, believing!
Well, doing all of this gave both of us great faith to know what we wanted, and how to achieve it. Only about a month after practicing the teachings, my friend was called about a full time position open at the company she always dreamed of working for. She applied and got the job within one week.
About one week later, I got a call from my manager that there was an opening at the corporate level of the company I worked for that was just what I had gone to school for. She said she submitted a letter of recommendation for me that morning without me even asking for one. The next day I got called for an interview. The interview went well, and I was told that they had a lot of interviews left, and would be called if I made it to round two. Well, about a week later I received a call that I had made it to the second interview, and there were only two of us that made it that far. That interview went well also, and I was told if I got a call for the third interview that it was pretty much my job. Well, I got called for the third interview, and the next day the HR person called me to offer me the position.
I knew from the beginning of hearing about this job position that it was mine, after practicing the teachings. I would tell people at work I had this new job, which there were some who called me arrogant for thinking this way, but the teachings of “The Secret” made me to believe, and I hope now they also will want to know about it. I also have great faith in the Bible, and can see that the teachings in “The Secret” really do coincide with what God has said in the Bible. How can you not believe?
I am also believing for me and my girlfriend to get back together. I have seen some wonderful signs already taking place in this, and I truly believe it has happened already for us. I will update this when the manifestation appears. Thank you Rhonda for bringing this to so many people who really need this life-changing message!