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Job Within 24 Hours!
Submitted by: suman
Bangalore,IndiaA software professional and great believer of The Secret.
Hello Rhonda,
I am really grateful and thankful for you and your team for showing the right path to life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I was a engineering graduate but I did not had a job. I knew about The Secret from a long time ago but I always used to apply for long term goals. But after watching the movie, I came to know more about The Secret and the LOA, like that we can attract things in a short time. So I tried that for getting my first job. I started behaving as if I had gotten at job. I started searching for my new home in that particular area and I start seeing the clothes that I would wear in my office. I also thought about how I would be writing my story to The Secret website.
Then, within 24 hours, I got my job in my dream company, Amazon! I got my confirmation mail on the same day that I gave my interview. It was miracle for me because I never knew The Secret could work so fast! I then got my joining letter about 2 days later. It is amazing. Hopefully my story will help others too!
Love you Rhonda and thank you so much for this book! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!