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If I Can Do It, You Can!
Submitted by: Lucy H.
Chicago, ILI have studied The Secret my entire life. Since I was a young child I remember visualizing and having that positive knowing that I would accomplish my desires. I am now a adult lady who loves to preach about The Secret and the law of attraction.
Since I was a young child I remember visualizing and having that positive knowing that I would accomplish my desires. So in a way, I have studied The Secret my entire life. I am now an adult lady who loves to preach about The Secret and the law of attraction.
This happened a few years ago, but I see so many people on here ask questions such as “How can I get my loved one back?” or “Is it really possible?” I can assure you that it is definitely true. I have two people who I attracted back into my life. My intentions are to help you understand The Secret as best as I can.
This story is my oldest. I was dating a guy long distance. We dated on and off again for 1 1/2 years. In between those “off” times, I would be a mess. Due to his bad relationship with his parents and his depression, I was not able to talk to him for two weeks or even longer. I was very upset, and thinking about him made my mood drop. I remember walking to my school and thinking, “I know he is going to text me.” and then whenever he came into my mind, I would think of random things. I would think of trees, kittens, my friends, my daily schedule, or clouds. I knew that was the only way of getting him out of my mind and not getting upset.
There was an incident where we had not spoken for two weeks, and then he texted me. I ended things a year later, but I want you guys to know that I successfully attracted this person approximately ten times. I remember the keys to doing this were to keep reassuring myself to be as confident as possible, letting it go, and then being happy. Sounds simple, right? It really is. I swear, those are the steps I took. You just have to be confident your loved one will come back. Forget any doubts, and do not assume things.
This story is the most recent. I had dated this one guy for a couple of months, and it was going well. At the time, he really cared for me, but I was not ready to have a very real relationship yet. He got angry and cheated on me. It was not until later that I realized my feelings. I was certainly crushed by it. I could not stand him ignoring me and ‘whatnot’, but I also did not let me bother it. For a few weeks, I remember him being on my mind, and I would reassure myself, “He is coming back. It always works out this way.”
Long story short, a year later, he did come back. He actually bought me a surprise birthday present and personally gave it to me. I am still dumbfounded because I did not treat him the best. Now we are friends and actually talk. This happened in March, and we had stopped talking in May of the year before that. I have no idea why or what gave him the idea to come back into my life. I am 100% sure The Secret helped me out though. I used the same steps as I did with the other guy. The crazy thing is that this guy is not over me, but I am no longer interested.
All in all, I really want you guys to believe that your broken relationships with anyone will get better if that is what you want. The things that messed me up were rumors, assumptions, and my mental thinking. You never know what anyone is thinking. The reason for someone’s behavior towards you may be very different than what you and they are actually thinking. I really recommend that you guys watch The Secret, and read The Secret and The Magic. Even Google some affirmations, write them down and put them someplace where you know you will see them often.
I have attracted back so many people in my life. The key is to have confidence, my dears. Use affirmations like, “I know he/she is going to come back!” or “Me and ___ will make up.” These are some that worked for me. The law of attraction works but in its own time. Honestly, being very specific about your desired outcome will be very helpful.
Good luck to everyone. I send light and love to everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to the Universe.