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I Got My Boyfriend Back.
Submitted by: Jean C.
Beirut, LebanonI am 30 years old, a Veterinarian, and Lebanese.
I have been in that relationship for almost 5 years. I already wrote about it here when I first met him. The law of attraction got him into my life and I am very thankful for that. I was very happy in the relationship and how we moved in together despite everything happening in our country and all around the world.
A few months ago, a big explosion happened in Beirut and some of his relatives came to live with us since their house was damaged. One of them was very, very negative and started sabotaging my positive thinking. After that, I started to have some problems. I was attracting bad stuff into both my life and my relationship. I felt that there was something wrong with us but at the same time, I was also attracting it. Then one day, something happened and my partner wanted to break up with me. It took me a lot of effort to ask him to take it slow and to try just taking a break for a month instead.
I re-read The Secret and The Magic and wondered why I had attracted that negativity to something that was so beautiful?! Why should I break up with my partner?! Why was I being that negative? Why am I afraid when I have the Universe to get me what I want?
While reading The Secret, I wrote on a piece of paper, “I am so happy and grateful now that (his name) is my boyfriend,” and that was when my life changed.
I did not delete our photos or his number, actually, it is still pinned as my favorite chat! The last thing I say before sleeping is “Good night, I love you” and when I wake up “Good morning my love.” I searched for our next vacation; Amsterdam for his birthday! I looked into the hotel I wanted us to stay in. The room with the view over the canals! I even searched for availability on that date! During the day, I started imagining I was talking to him, “How’s work now? Did you get lunch? I’ll see you after work. Wanna have sushi tonight? I feel like being next to you now!”
I always thought that he would never forgive me therefore he was not coming back. Especially since the issue was about trust, and family members were also influencing him too. But guess what?
Before the month that we were taking a break was over, he talked to me! I don’t know how, and I don’t know why! I just saw a notification on my phone and I was very happy before even reading it! We met, we talked and after a few weeks, we got back together!
I almost forgot about the trip to Amsterdam for his birthday! On my birthday, he told me that he was inviting me to go on a trip and that I could choose the place. So I chose Amsterdam! I am very grateful! Now we are back together and are happy like never before! The law of attraction got me my boyfriend back!
I did not even think of dating anyone else during that break period we took, or even moving on. Why? Because in my head we were still together. We still loved each other and the Universe did everything to make my wish come true! I even wrote this post before he talked to me!
Remember one thing: “Your wish is my command!” Ask. Believe. Receive.
Be happy and the whole secret will be in your hands. Thank you, thank you, thank you!