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I Finally Won The Contest!
Submitted by: Ana J.
Fort Worth, TxI am a stay at home mom of a 2 1/2 year old princess and a baby on the way!
First of all I want to thank everybody who made The Secret movie, it is life changing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am a hobbyist photographer and I have following this page on Facebook of a women who makes beautiful Photoshop actions and she is so kind to give away some of them in a contest she has.
Any, way long story short, I use to always enter them but never really won one until last night when I saw The Secret movie once again and I felt happy because I knew I was gonna win this time.
I gave the universe the order of delivering me the prize despite the fact that she really has a lot of followers. I try to stay always positive about winning and whenever a doubt will come I will just let it go and see myself as one of the two winners.
I visualized myself getting the email with the link to my download and listed the actions on my pictures already and guess what?
Yup, I won!
Thank you because I know God is working his way to me throughout the LOA!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!