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I Asked And Received More Than I Asked For!
Submitted by: Lih
Pretoria South AfricaI'm a believer.
Hello to all.
I’m truly grateful for the knowledge of The Secret! Thank you to the entire team.
This is my second Secret story about manifesting money. This time around, 2 Fridays ago, I went to bed and asked The Universe to give me R 5k because I was broke. I asked that the money would miraculously come the next morning. I gave thanks and released it.
I didn’t get the money on Saturday morning as I had asked. On Tuesday, I remembered that I needed to urgently submit my tax returns because they were due. I quickly arranged everything and submitted my return online. I really wasn’t expecting to get anything back but I was hoping I would get something, even if it was not big.
Well, I then received a message saying I was getting R 20k back!!! I was ecstatic but nervous because I didn’t know when it would come. I asked the Universe for speed and I released it. Three days later, on Saturday morning, a bank alert came through and my R 20k was in my bank account! I literally jumped out of bed with excitement and had an amazing day and weekend with my children.
Now on to bigger amounts! Thank you beautiful Universe for your generosity! Thank you and more abundance to you all.