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How I Found The Secret.
Submitted by: Jessica Glasco
AlabamaHello, I’m Jessica Glasco, and I’m totally blind. I have always loved books like The Secret.
Hello, I’m Jessica Glasco, I am totally blind and live in Alabama. I found The Secret in about 2014. When I first found it, I received it on audio cassette tape from the local library of the National Library Service. I was amazed at what knowledge was inside the book. Then when I got a computer, I managed to convert the movie to Mp3 audio, so I could listen to it on my digital talking book player. I love metaphysical concepts, and testimonials about healings, especially financial and miraculous healings.
Many of my smaller wishes have already come true by using The Secret. Wishes like converting movies like The Secret: Dare To Dream to MP3 files, and converting TV shows to Mp3. Also wishes like having a Victor Reader Stream for the blind.
Now, the truly wonderful wish that I’d love to come true in my life, as an individual, is to be debt free, or to pay off debts with ease. I have also heard of stories from The Secret Success Stories of people finding their perfect partners if there really is such a thing. I have also had dreams that came true in real life, pre-cognition dreams, that is, and dreams of my own heart. When I do hear testimonies of inspiration, and people have things that I’d like to have in my life, I try to remain hopeful, rather than get jealous. I surely dream of being debt free, and being able to travel, with my own perfect partner one day. Also to be able to help many other blind people in foreign countries.
I love foreign languages, of both braille and foreign languages of sign languages. I have dreams literally in my sleep at night, of everyone being able to travel, regardless of status, education, or income. It makes my heart smile, and sing with joy when all people are equal. I also managed to get an Arabic braille Bible, a Russian braille Bible, and a Swahili braille Bible, as well as getting these languages in digital audio format. I also managed to find Moonlight Sonata and learn how to play all 3 movements, as well as Beethoven’s Sonata 23. So, many of my small wishes have come true. Hopefully, I’ll also be able to sign up with digital talking book libraries for the blind from all over the world in digital online formats. Like electronic braille and audio. Also to travel to magnificent places.
I suppose the very best love of all, is tenderness, kindness, and justice. Money and influence and status cannot wipe away tears of grief, or hold peoples’ hands at night, or clean and soothe their wounds. All these things my parents have so dearly done for me. They were the ones who comforted me when I was sad, held my hand, when I was lonely, kept me from harm, and gave me an education. There are things that money cannot buy, nor truly satisfy. I love it when all debts are truly forgiven, broken hearts are comforted, relationships are restored, and justice and mercy are fully available to all.