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How did all started for me
Submitted by: Kerem
IstanbulI'm a 3D modeler, digital illustrator and photographer from Istanbul / Turkey.
I never forget the day – warm summer day in July. Something said to me to enter a book store. And in there, there was a huge block of books titled The Secret. I took a copy from that “building” of books and read the back cover. And thought I was dreaming. Everything written there spoke to an inner self within me that always knew: everything is possible for him who believes.
During that time I had a 9mm kidney stone dropped to the urethra and about to kill me. I had no money for an operation and I decided to enjoy life and relax. That’s why I took a stroll that day and something directed me to that book store.
I gave the book and movie to the people I knew but nothing changed in them. However within me, something inside shifted and I didn’t know what it was. The Secret was a key, actually a gate to my own self development. Because of it’s impact, many authors that never published in my country started to get published and I now have a relatively huge collection of books.
Two things really impacted on me. Gratitude and Hooponopono. The material about these published because of the success of The Secret.
So, sincerely and genuinely thank you Rhonda Byrne for your amazing work.
Lots and lots of love